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Edward's P.O.V

When I glanced over at Bella a second time, she was running her hands through his long, red–brown coat starting from his neck and stroking his body as far down as she could reach, over and over. He was purring like an ecstatic feline and at any moment I half expected him to roll over for a tummy–rub.

She seemed to have forgotten that a human male—one who was very much in love with her—lived inside that stuffed carpet. She was completely oblivious to the effect she was having on him. They don't call it "petting" for nothing!

I suppressed the urge to go over there and put an end to it, and just tried to ignore them completely.

I had had enough...both of the fighting practice and of that Bella making moves on my mutt! He had duped her into giving him more physical contact than she ever would have allowed in his human form and he was lapping it up like he was born to do it! If I had hackles, they most certainly would have been raised.

With a terse, "That's it for me," I left the field and marched across the clearing to reclaim what was mine. The battle was ON! And I had no intention of losing!

Perhaps Jacob had read my mind, or maybe he'd only had to read my face. I was livid and didn't bother to hide it. I know he heard my low–pitched growl—everyone except Bella had heard it. Even the wolves down in La Push and those out on patrol caught the gist of it.

Quil and Embry were thinking that I was going to hurt Jake. Even if I was out of my mind at this moment, I could never do that.

I felt all eyes on my back as I stomped to the edge of the clearing, seething with rage. Had Jacob forgotten my presence?

Then I came to an abrupt stop trying to calm myself.

I made the deal with him.

I made him make moves on Bella.

Then I can't just go and make a scene out of it.

I sighed.

If friendship is all that I could get from my Jake then I'm up for it.

It's a cold bitter truth that he is not my Jake. I should at least stop these thoughts so it might protect me from getting hurt further.

Fine, I'd thought. It was good of him to watch over her while I was otherwise engaged.

Jacob turned his head and saw me coming, nudged Bella off, got up and trotted away pretending that he doesn't want to be near me at all.

Seriously why is he acting like a big baby all of a sudden?

I took Bella to her house after the training ended and now I planned on having a quick hunt.

As I ran, I forced Jacob Black to the back of my mind and focused on my plan for Thursday. I was quite excited for Bella and myself to have a night alone to celebrate each other. I planned to give her a charm for her bracelet, which she'd already agreed to accept. Of course, I wouldn't reveal everything about it. To her, it would be a pretty bauble to stand in for me, something to balance against... Well, I wasn't going to think about that at the moment. I would be happy if Bella just wore the glittering heart on her wrist as a symbol of my love...a promise charm, if you will.

Right at this moment I don't even know what to do.

I always wanted to marry Bella.

I was positive that I loved her a lot.

Then there was a hot brown eyed, black haired boy into the equation and everything fell out of proportion.

His physical presence— whether as a wolf or a man—was overwhelming. He was a beautiful human, even I could see that, and he had all his God–given gifts that make a human male the right match for a human female—his beating heart, his warm–blooded body, his future with its natural arc, and last, but not least, his ability to procreate, to be bound to a partner by a shared legacy. It was a lot to overcome.

And that's why I wanted him to have Bella.

But now I'm chickening out.

I don't want them to be together. I just can't accept that.

I don't know why I did all these complications. But I'll never regret having Jake's friendship.

Now that I have that I don't want Bella to ruin it.

So I have to do this.

If things went well, I hoped I might give Bella my second gift too. It would be especially gratifying if she had it to show off on Friday before the battle, but that wasn't really the point. I just wanted her to say "yes." I wanted a "yes." Nothing else mattered in comparison to that. As far as the gift itself, Bella had agreed, in theory, to accept recycled presents. Whether one called them hand–me–downs or family heirlooms was just a question of semantics.

Bella knows that she loves me and I know that she desires me. No convincing or coercion necessary. Perhaps I would be wise to  entice her into matrimony with the oldest lure known to man. Granted, the whole idea is backwards, but that is the situation in which I find myself in the twenty–first century.

Not that seducing Bella into marriage would require any kind of sacrifice on my part. I'd just have to watch myself.

I didn't know what exactly this is gonna bring me, but one thing I knew for certain...I wanted Bella to marry me before she was changed. It's what, for other reasons, I'd bargained for when I offered to change her myself.

This is the real solution to all my problems.

Jake will not have Bella that way, I'll spend whatever time I get with her before she finds her true mate and last but not the least, I'll be able to satisfy at least one of my dreams.








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