I've got a dumb human

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I just can't believe that I kissed my mate. And even if it was not a full on kissing, the pleasure that I felt was incomparably high.

I can't just get enough of him. I want more.

I need more of him.

I was gently pushed off by him. And without any rational thoughts my lips followed his to get a taste of him again.

When I finally came back into my senses, my brain started screaming profanities at me saying that my Eddie wouldn't have wanted to kiss me.

I sighed.

Too much for trying to talk to him. He is not going to forgive me this time.

But he said something that I never thought he would say.

"I'm jealous of your mate" Edward whispered.

"You what?--" I asked unsure if I had heard him right.

"Jacob I'm jealous of your mate. The universe has given me no option but only to get a glimpse of how it's like to kiss you and hold you, but the same universe has made you imprint on someone who could be able to do this everyday. I'm jealous Jacob"

I was astonished. 

"I thought you were going to kill me this time for kissing you" I said beaming. He must have thought I was going nuts.

"I would never hurt you Jacob" he said , his eyes full of sincerity.

I didn't really know what I was thinking but I said those words.

"If you're really jealous of my mate, then you should maybe meet him sometime."

"I can't promise that I won't hurt him though. I'm a very selfish being my Alpha, I would gladly kill him so that I can love you forever."

I just can't believe. Edward loves me!!!!

"Edward you should really know who my mate is."

"To be honest Jake, I don't care about it anymore, even if you don't love me back, even  if I only get a glimpse of you, I promise that I'll keep trying. Maybe one day you'll know that you belong with me."

I was looking at his eyes which was filled with venom. Those tears which could never fall. I really wanted to hold him tight and confess my feelings. 

He interrupted me asking this question. "Do you really like me Jacob?"

"Yes. I mean you're good looking" I said unable to form any coherent words.

I mentally slapped myself.

"as long as you think I'm good looking, I'm going to be annoyingly persistent with my  trying" he said giving me one of his infamous smiles leaving me to wonder whether all those conversation that we had was only just a dream.

And that was the day I started filling a lot more things to my journal.

I started writing my first entry.

One day after confessing my love to Eddie I might give this to him.

Dear Eddie,

Do you really have any idea how important you are to me?

Any concept at all of how much I love you



My chapters are gonna be short but I'm promising you guys that I'm gonna update frequently.

I'm sorry that I wasn't pretty active.

Don't be a closet reader.

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Until next time

Bye peeps

leech and mutt (BoyXBoy) - A Jakeward FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now