I will make her mine

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Jacob's P.O.V

I was too tired to wake up from my bed. 

"Alpha, wake up!!!" that annoying voices called me several times.

"I don't want too. My bed is just so comfortable" I mumbled.

"Bella is here..."

As soon as I heard Bella's name I rushed to the washroom completing my human Er... I mean werewolf morning duties in record time.

I didn't even bother to wear a shirt. The cold doesn't affect the wolves. It's a werewolf thing.

But when I opened the door, there was no Bella. Her scent was also not there. Instead there was a sheepish looking Quil and Embry standing near my garage. They were ready to sprint off.

That little squirts... They tricked me.

Yeah, I'm Jacob Ephraim Black, Alpha of the Quillette pack, Grandson of Ephraim Black and a true werewolf who is in deep love with a clumsy human named Isabella who prefers to be called Bella. On top of that, she's my best friend whose in love with a leech.

A friend zoned werewolf in love with a leech lover.

That leech doesn't even deserve her. He left her broken and alone without anyone to protect her. If not for us she would be dead right now. We killed Laurent and now we're protecting her from Victoria. 

Even after all these happenings, she chose them instead of us. She went all way to Italy and saved his ass when he was trying to make the world a better living place by killing himself.

I sighed after groaning. 

Now, what should I be doing?? I wracked my brain for some activity.

First, I should try to make her mine and try to rip Edward Cullen into pieces. 

No, No I have something to do before these things.

I should find Quill and Embry because I have some ass kicking to do. Satisfied with my plan I tried locating them.

*ring* *ring*

Damn phone. Doesn't even know that I have important duties to do. "Alpha Duties" sucks.

*ring* *ring*

Oh you little old piece of shit can't you just wait.

*ring* *ri* before the ring finishes I grabbed the phone in irritation.

"Hey Jacob" I heard Bella's voice.

Act as if you are angry with her. Try to act normal and don't show that you're excited to hear from her. After mentally preparing myself in seconds I replied with "Hey"

"Can we hang out Jake?" She asked in a small voice.

I wanted to shout Yessssss... But instead I just said "Sure sure. What time?"

"Does right now sounds good?" she asked.

Oh god she's making this hard for me. Now I have to reply as calmly as possible without showing how interested I'm.

"Yeah. I'm just going to Sam's house for a quick visit. After that I have to kick Embry and Quill and then I'm free"

"Kick Embry and Quill?? What did they do this time?" she asked chuckling.

Unable to continue sounding mad I just chuckled and said "They just hate me Bells, what can I say?" I sighed.

"They don't hate you Jake... Tell me what happened" she asked.

"I'll tell you when you get here. How does that sound?" I asked.

"Yeah that sounds good. I''l be there soon." she said before muttering a bye and hanging up.

Bella's P.O.V

Edward was up for a hunting trip. Ever since he left me I feel the need to have him in my line of sight all the time. Each time he goes for a hunting trip I feel that he's gonna leave me again that's one of the reasons I hate his hunting trips. The other reason is he'll let Alice babysit me. Believe me it's the worst thing that can happen to a girl who hates shopping. And with Victoria on loose, Edward is being even more protective. He rarely let's me out of his sight, not that I'm complaining but, I don't want to have another Alice babysits Bella episode.

So, I went for the next option.

Jake, my best friend, who is an Alpha werewolf, who likes me more than a friend and is the greatest enemy of Edward, the love of my life.

It's not that great to have your best friend hating your lover. Trust me when I say this.

Though it was middle of the afternoon, my call woke Jacob up, and he was grouchy at first. He cheered right up when I asked if I could visit him today.I was pleased to have an option besides being babysat. There was a tiny bit more dignity in spending the day with Jacob. 

Some of that dignity was lost when Edward insisted again on delivering me to the border line like a child being exchanged by custodial guardians. 

we turned the last bend and saw the red car waiting. He frowned in concentration, and then, as Edward parked the car, he sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my hand on the door.

He shook his head. "Nothing." His eyes were narrowed as he stared through the windshield toward the other car. I'd seen that look before.

"You're not listening to Jacob, are you?" I accused.

"It's not easy to ignore someone when he's shouting."

"Oh." I thought about that for a second. "What's he shouting?" I whispered.

"I'm absolutely certain he'll mention it himself," Edward said in a wry tone.

I would have pressed the issue, but then Jacob honked his horn — two quick impatient honks.

"That's impolite," Edward growled.

"That's Jacob," I sighed, and I hurried out before Jacob did something to really set Edward's teeth on edge.

I waved to Edward before I got into the Rabbit and, from that distance, it looked like he was truly upset about the honking thing . . . or whatever Jacob was thinking about. But my eyes were weak and made mistakes all the time.

I wanted Edward to come to me. I wanted to make both of them get out of their cars and shake hands and be friends — be Edward and Jacob rather than vampire and werewolf. It was as if I had those two stubborn magnets in my hands, and I was holding them together, trying to force nature to reverse.

Impossible yet, imagining Jacob and Edward together as friends always tends to amuse me.

I sighed, and climbed in Jacob's car.


Hey guys.

You've landed on a Twilight fan fiction. 

It's a Jakeward fiction which includes romance between a vampire 'male' and a werewolf 'male'. 

So, if this ain't your thing you are welcome to leave immediately cause I don't tolerate hate comments.

If you have any suggestions, you're welcome to DM me. And, Please don't be a sneaky reader.

Vote, Comment and share love.

Love is love

Gender doesn't matter.

Until next time. Bye peeps.


JULY 14, 2018

leech and mutt (BoyXBoy) - A Jakeward FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now