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Jacob's P.O.V

"I'm way too bored" Paul whined, making me sigh.

"Do something other than whining Paul, and then maybe you won't get bored." I replied.

"Yeah, says the one who has his nose buried deep inside a stupid cell phone. What's entertaining in that?" he questioned. I shrugged and sprinted back to home ready to annoy Eddie.

I was eagerly waiting for him to attend the call.

Where the hell all this eagerness did came from? I was wondering but it was cut off as Eddie answered with a hello.

"Hey, Eddie"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm bored. So, I called you."

"Ah, so I'm your new pass time huh?" He asked his voice with a silky edge.

"Nah, I'm just checking on you." I whispered not wanting to admit the truth.

"Oh, you can check me out whenever you want Alpha." He said with a flirty tone.

I rolled my eyes even though my lips were twitching

"Man, but I don't swing that way..." I said, but I didn't want him to feel embarrassed so I continued, "But maybe I can do that for you." I said in a sultry tone.

This is not the first time we're messing around. It should've been awkward for us to even talk considering our history, but something about Eddie never made me feel that way. I always feel comfortable around him. Maybe it's because he can read my mind and act accordingly.

"Jacob—are you listening to me?" his voice brought me out of my musing. But he didn't give time for me to reply. Instead he continued, "I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable." He said.

"Nah, it's not like that. I don't mind that." I said maybe way too quickly.

"Ah, so my alpha is actually enjoying this..." he said teasing me.

"God Eddie, your gigantic crush on me is getting ridiculous to the point where you call me "your alpha'" I said laughing. Since the line went silent I continued" Hey what? Cat got your tongue."

I chuckled.

This is how the next twenty five minutes went. But there's this stupid knocking that was setting me off the edge.

"Eddie I got to go. Someone's way too eager to break into my house." I sighed.

"Yeah, um... bye." He said.

"Bye" I replied ending my call.

When I opened the door, I was surprised to find Ninda with the typical I'm a scary old woman, don't mess with me look.

"Here alpha, I made what you've asked for. But it may or may not work." She said leaving an amulet in my hands.

Now to check whether this works, I need Eddie.

I called him again.

"Hey" he greeted me.

"I'm sorry for bugging you. I just need your help." I said.

"Who said anything about bugging? I just like talking with you." He said making me feel little butterflies on my stomach. I was getting way too happier for something trivial.

"So Eddie, I wanted to ask whether if you're free this evening so we can you know—go somewhere?" I asked nervous afraid that he could actually say no

"Are you asking me out on a date alpha?" he said. I could hear is not so subtle chuckle.

I'm not backing down on this game.

"Only if you want to." I said satisfied with my answer.

"Of course I do. Who can resist you my Alpha?" he continued playing along. "So where to?"

"It's a surprise. Be ready at 5 I'm picking you up."


Edward's P.O.V

After what felt like hours, Jacob let me into his territory.

"Doesn't the border end here.?" I asked worried.

"It does, but you can come into the werewolf territory if their Alpha allows you." He said a lopisoidal smirk playing on his lips.

"I know this Alpha. He's a nice person. He's pretty hot too" I said winking at him. There was a distinct pink coloration on his cheeks. Maybe he's blushing, or maybe not.

"Oh is he hot?" he asked me.


"Hotter than me?" he asked.

"I can't say that, you should decide that yourself" I said only for him to give me a beautiful smile.

Did I just say his smile was beautiful? Never mind. The messing around thing has gotten into my head.

We walked for god knows how long in a human pace until we were in front of what seemed like a cave.

We were close to the beach, that I can tell by the sound of crashing waves.

"So, since I can't actually bring you anything to eat. I brought this." He said giving me a juice carton.

I quirked my eyebrow at him, only for him to give me another smirk.

"This better not be poison." I muttered before taking a sip only to find deer blood in it.

"Very thoughtful" I said after thanking him.

Something was weird. It's awfully quite. Not that I'm complaining but, usually Jake's mind is a bit loud. But it's as if his mind voice was on mute.

"What are you thinking about Eddie?" he asked.

"And I thought I was the mind reader here." I said. "So why exactly did you call me saying you needed my help. Tell me that otherwise I'll just think that Alpha is actually taking me on a date."

"So can you read my mind?" he asked.

I look weirdly at him then I tried reading his mind.

But it was like he was not there right in front of me at all. I was like no one was actually sitting that. It was like Bella's mind. I gasped.

"How?" I asked.

"The amulet is working" he lit up like a five year old seeing a Christmas tree. He looked younger. His smile was breath taking. I was admiring my rival. Then I chided myself saying that Jake is no longer my rival.

"So, I got this amulet from our oracle. It can block vampire powers." He said smiling like a cute kid. I couldn't help but smile with him. This side of Jake was so warm. Like sunshine. He doesn't look like an alpha male instead, he looks like a hyped up kid, so carefree. I can see now why Bella told that Jake's laugh was contagious. Because I found myself smiling at the end.

"So what now? You're gonna make this for the other members?" I asked.

"Sadly, it doesn't work on everyone. Just the wolves with Alpha blood." He said. But he was still smiling.

I felt myself bizarrely enjoying my 'date' with Jake. He was a nice person to hang with. He knows how to hold a conversation. After a few hours, we parted but a part of me wanted to spend more time.

The last thought in my mind was, even if I lose Bella to him, I'll always try to hold on to this newfound friendship.


Hey guys, long time no see. How are you doing?

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Until next time. Bye peeps.

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