Together as a family

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Jacob's P.O.V

Previously on leech and mutt:

I wanna kiss him so badly.

And that's what I did.

I kissed him. As passionately as I can. I pulled his body flush against mine sucking his lips roughly, angling his face by holing his neck, kissing him to my heart's fill. He let out small whines making me never wanna stop kissing him.

But sadly I ran out of air, and as I came out for air, I was met with the shocked faces of Seth, Jasper and my pack members.

DID I MESS IT UP?????????

Edward calmly went and sat beside Jasper as if we weren't kissing each other just a few seconds ago. I was waiting for the pack members to bombard me with their questions. But I guess they were just in a shock.

Except for Paul. That goofy idiot was smirking the whole time.

"Jake" Anna called me interrupting my thoughts.

"I can sense Zee now" she said. But why is she telling this with such a distressed face.

"Anna?" I called her in a very soft voice. "What's wrong" I asked her worried about what has got her so distressed.

"It's the Amentes Clan" she said.

As soon as she said that I could feel Sam tense up.

"Are you sure Anna?" he asked, his body tensing up. It seemed like he was controlling himself from shifting.

Anna was tearing up and she gave us a sad nod.

"He's a true alpha, if Zee was taken, the next target is Jake" he said almost hovering over me.

I felt a tingle down my spine. Whatever they are talking about, doesn't appear to be a good thing.

I called for Lucas mentally. As soon as I did that, he calmly asked me to let him take control. He never asks me that, so this is definitely not a good thing.

Lucas P.O.V

As soon as Jake let me take control, I took a deep breathe trying to keep myself calm. 

I mentally whined at Jake. "Everything will be fine" Jake's voice was ringing clearly through my mind.

I slowly began to calm down taking in my mate's scent. He was watching me and it seemed like he knew that I was in control.

I cleared my throat and started. 

"If it was really the Amentes clan, every single werewolf, transitioned or not are going to be in real trouble. And all this is coming from a wolf who has seen what kind of catastrophe they can bring. The Amentes clan or the nature keepers, are a group of lethal half human creatures that hunt everything with werewolf gene in them. They loathe us. They were said to be extinct about a century ago. I guess that was their hiding period.

This clan takes werewolf families, torture them infront of family members. They kill us mercilessly, they don't even spare newborns. They say "the children of moon" are inferior species and we don't deserve to live."

"I remember the hunt like it was yesterday. They are all blood crazed monsters, who literally feed on our meat. They're a curse to our kind, and if Alpha Zyane was taken by them" I took a much needed breath and I could feel Jacob getting restless on the back of my mind. "He might be tortured very badly and his life is actually in a very great danger.

I could say that everyone around me actually understands the potential danger that alpha Zyane is in right now.

"How can we save my brother?" was the only question that broke the grave silence. I turned around to see Anna's eyes blazing with determination.

"Going there is a suicide little wolf" I said holding her hands, "but we should never turn our back on someone of our kind. This clan is our worst nightmare, we will be facing the greatest demons that oppose our kind but that's how we save him."


Heyah peeps, It's ya gurrllllll here, hope you're doing good. Stay safe lovelies, wear your masks and maintain social distancing, I'm sorry I took so long to update this but here is a real promise, I will update regularly from now on.

Pinky promise.


Luna xx

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