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Edward's P.O.V

Sam? She thought Sam was still the Alpha? God... Why is she this oblivious?

So, Jake hasn't told her yet that he was leading the pack. But, I knew that information. She doesn't. Isn't he her best friend? Guess what? Now I feel special.

"I'll ask Sam..."

She was so stubborn! I still had a trick up my sleeve, though.

"But Sam is not the Alpha—"

"I know"


"Jake is the Alpha but Sam is the second in command. If Sam gave orders then, Seth has to follow that too."

"But Jake is the supreme authority right? I'll ask Jake to command Seth to stay away from the battle ground." Poor Bella, Jake already promised me that.

"Yeah, you'll ask Jake?" she laughed. "You can't stand each other. If you try to talk to him, you'll probably end up killing each other."

Is it bad that I'm feeling a strong urge to slap Bella? I swear I love her but, the way she describes about my friendship with Jake God... Arghh

"But I know a lot more than you do Bella. I know a lot about the pack and about m—Alpha. And Jacob's been keeping a lot of secrets," I said, smiling. "For instance, did you note the smaller gray wolf there that night?" I was about to say my Alpha. What has gotten to me?

"They take all of their legends so seriously. It turns out there are things that none of their stories prepared them for."

Bella gave in. It was good gossip. "Okay, I'll bite. What are you talking about?"

"They always accepted without question that it was only the direct grandsons of the original wolf who had the power to transform."

"So someone changed who wasn't a direct descendant?"

"No. She's a direct descendant, all right."

Bella's face opened in surprise. "She?"

I nodded. "She knows you. Her name is Leah Clearwater."

"Leah's a werewolf!" Bella squealed. "What? For how long? Why didn't Jacob tell me?"

"There are things he wasn't allowed to share—their numbers, for instance.

"I can't believe it. Leah Clearwater!" Bella's eyes stared into the distance as her mind processed the bombshell.

I'd gotten to her!

"Poor Leah," Bella whispered.

"She's making life exceedingly unpleasant for the rest of them. I'm not sure she deserves your sympathy."

"What do you mean?"

"It's hard enough for them, having to share all their thoughts. Most of them try to cooperate, make it easier. When even one member is deliberately malicious, it's painful for everyone."

"She has reason enough," Bella muttered.

"Oh, I know," I agreed, going on. "The imprinting compulsion is one of the strangest things I've ever witnessed in my life, and I've seen some strange things. The way Sam is tied to his Emily is impossible to describe—or I should say her Sam. Sam really had no choice. It reminds me of A Midsummer Night's Dream with all the chaos caused by the fairies' love spells...like magic." I smiled.

"It's very nearly as strong as the way I feel about you."

Bella ignored my declaration of love.

leech and mutt (BoyXBoy) - A Jakeward FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now