Alden's Confession

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After spending so many days planning a proper plan, Edward was tired seeing his mate Jake worried all the time. He wanted to do something for him, and the girl Anna who made him the happiest vampire on earth by revealing that he's Jacob's imprint.

After a small talk with Jasper, Edward and Casper was selected based on their abilities to find someone from the Amentes clan.

The plan was simple, get someone from the inside, make them spill the insights, plan an attack accordingly and then rescue Zyane without putting anymore of the pack or the vamps in danger.

Edward and Casper moved swiftly through the moonlit streets, their senses attuned to the presence of the Amentes clan. The urgency of their mission weighed heavily on their shoulders, for the safety of both their vampire kind and the wolves they were connected to hung in the balance.

As they rounded a corner, a lone figure caught their attention. A half-human, half-werewolf hybrid with a tangle of unkempt hair and a haunted expression stumbled weakly along the sidewalk. His eyes, once filled with the wild intensity of the wolf, now held a glimmer of desperation.

Edward and Casper exchanged a glance, recognizing the opportunity that had presented itself. With practiced ease, they closed in on the weary hybrid, their supernatural grace rendering their approach near-silent.

"Stop," Edward's voice was low but commanding, his gaze fixed upon the hybrid. "We mean you no harm. We seek answers."

The half-wolf froze, his breath catching in his throat. He assessed the two vampires warily, his eyes flickering with a mix of defiance and fear. After a moment's hesitation, he nodded, acknowledging their presence.

"Who are you?" Casper's voice held an undercurrent of curiosity as he studied the hybrid closely. "And what do you know about Zyane, the missing Alpha of the Amentes clan?"

The hybrid's shoulders slumped, his features betraying a hint of sorrow. "I am called Alden," he murmured, his voice tinged with weariness. "I belong to the Amentes clan, but I have distanced myself from their path of darkness."

Edward's expression hardened, his connection to the Amentes clan through his soulmate Jacob Black fueling his determination. "Where is Zyane? Is he alive?"

Alden hesitated, a flicker of conflict crossing his face. "Zyane... he was taken," he finally confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "By a faction within our own clan. They believe he holds the key to power, a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands."

Edward's jaw clenched, his concern for his soulmate Jacob palpable. "What do they want with him?"

Alden's eyes met Edward's, and for a moment, the weight of their shared burden settled heavily upon them. "They're tracking for someone named Jacob... they see him as a potential victim. Stories about how he is the true alpha in three generations floated around in our clan. And when they scouted the said area, they found Zyane, who is also an Alpha. There's a total of approximately 20 packs of wolf shifters all around the world and they want them all gone. ," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "They believe his connection to you makes him vulnerable, a way to gain control over our kind."

Casper's eyes narrowed, his tracker abilities urging him to delve deeper. "Where is the Amentes pack house? We need to find Zyane and protect Jacob."

Alden hesitated, but a flicker of determination entered his gaze. "I will show you," he said, his voice resolute. "I wish to make amends for the darkness that has tainted my bloodline. Together, we can save Zyane and protect Jacob from their grasp. But I don't think you'll be able to take them down. Going there means declaring war. They might kill Zyane instantly once you go there."

"Why are you helping us?" Edward questioned him.

"It's because I have seen what they can do to the wolves" Alden whispered. He was shaking and Edward could see the horror as images floated through his mind one after the other.

With their newfound ally, Edward and Casper took Alden through the dimly lit streets, their steps guided by a shared purpose. As they approached the Cullen house, shadows of doubt and danger loomed, but their resolve burned brightly, fueled by loyalty and the promise of reuniting loved ones torn apart by the machinations of a treacherous clan.

Hello loves, 

Hope you guys are doing good. Here's a chapter as promised.

What do we think of Alden???

Don't be a closet reader!!!

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Until next time. Bye peeps.

Publishing next chappie once I get 15 comments and 10 likes on this one.

Published: 18-06-23.

Edited: 18-06-23.

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