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Edward's P.O.V

Inside the tent, Bella was so tense that she was digging her fingernails into her bandaged palm. If it weren't for the brace on her other hand, I'm sure it would have been doing the same. I carefully unclenched her fingers and put my hand in hers.

"It's going to be fine, Bella," I said calmly. "We've got skill, training, and surprise on our side. It will be over very soon. If I didn't truly believe that, I would be down there now—and you'd be here, chained to a tree or something along those lines."

"Alice is so small," Bella cried.

I chuckled. "That might be a problem...if it were possible for someone to catch her."

Outside the tent, Seth was complaining. Why do I have to be here when all the good stuff is happening down there?

We're smelling them. Oooh... They stink worse than the Cullens.

Sorry Edward, Seth appended to the pack's comment. He hates my guts for hurting his friend yet he still apolohixes for his packs notorious comments

He began to whimper then, alarming Bella.

"What's wrong?"

"He's just angry that he's stuck here with us. He knows the pack kept him out of the action to protect him. He's salivating to join them."

Watching the pack mind through Seth, I began commentating the action for Bella. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to see my family's separate battle in the clearing until the wolves joined them there.

"The newborns have reached the end of the trail—it worked like a charm, Jasper's a genius—and they've caught the scent of the ones in the meadow, so they're splitting into two groups now, as Alice said." It took some concentration to explain the action while following it through seven sets of eyes from seven different angles. It was thrilling, though, with so much to see and hear.

"Sam's taking us around to head off the ambush party," I murmured. Then I noticed Bella's heart pounding wildly, but her respiration had stopped.

"Breathe, Bella," I reminded her and then continued. "The first group is in the clearing. We can hear the fighting." I wished I could see them family.

Bella went rigid next to me and I squeezed her hand gently.

"Breathe, Bella," I reminded her and then continued. "The first group is in the clearing. We can hear the fighting." I wished I could see them family.

Bella went rigid next to me and I squeezed her hand gently.

The pack stood in formation, crouched and utterly silent in the woods, waiting. I hooted once when I heard that my brother was whooping it up in the clearing.

"We can hear Emmett—he's enjoying himself. The second group is getting ready—they aren't paying attention, they haven't heard us yet."

"I'm getting her."

"No, she's mine. Get out of my way!"

I growled, frightening Bella.

"What?" she gasped.

"They're talking about you," I explained angrily. "They're supposed to make sure you don't escape."

"What's that smell? It really stin—," said a large newborn before getting the surprise of his life.

"Nice move, Leah! Mmm, she's quite fast," I exclaimed. Then to Bella, "One of the newborns caught our scent, and Leah took him down before he could even turn. Sam's helping her finish him off. Paul and Jacob got another one, but the others are on the defensive now. They have no idea what to make of us. Both sides are feinting...."

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