23. I like him

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While Carlisle called Billy Black to ask for permission to visit the reservation, I packed up his portable X–ray machine, an intravenous drip kit, fluids, braces, and other supplies that he would need. Jacob could not go to the local hospital to be examined since his one–hundred eight–degree temperature made him dead by human standards. So, though Carlisle was the only doctor who could help him, we wouldn't come onto Quileute land without explicit permission from the tribal chief, who was officially Sam Uley, but unofficially, Billy Black.

Luckily though Billy allowed us into his reservation.

I remembered our 'first date' where Jake allowed me inside the reservation for the first time. It made me feel nostalgic at the moment.


After what felt like hours, Jacob let me into his territory.

"Doesn't the border end here.?" I asked worried.

"It does, but you can come into the werewolf territory if their Alpha allows you." He said a lopisoidal smirk playing on his lips.

"I know this Alpha. He's a nice person. He's pretty hot too" I said winking at him. There was a distinct pink coloration on his cheeks. Maybe he's blushing, or maybe not.

"Oh is he hot?" he asked me.


"Hotter than me?" he asked.

"I can't say that, you should decide that yourself" I said only for him to give me a beautiful smile.

Did I just say his smile was beautiful? Never mind. The messing around thing has gotten into my head.

That was the first time I got a snippet of real Jake.


He was lying there perfectly unaware of my presence.

He never looked more peaceful. His sharp jawline illuminated by the moon light made the sight so enchanting.

I was praying that he could open his eyes anytime soon and I would get to see the brown orbs that never fail to captivate me.

His posture was hunched, and he lay perfectly still, the way Carlisle has laid him after torturing him enough.

Each time I heard the crunch of his bones I physically felt the pain. It took all my self control to not strangle Carlisle for hurting him.

His pain was my pain. But I was stupid enough to hurt him at the first place.

Somewhere during the deal he took a piece of me and I don't think I want it back. Now he seems to ignore my suffering and keeps me suffering by lying still.

I've never felt something like this before. Not even with Bella, trust me when I say this. I've dealt a full day thinking that she was dead. But I never felt this kind of pain.

The pain that's making me feel something. The hollow pit where once my heart was beating is now aching.

I don't know how long I have to wait here for him to open those sinfully beautiful eyes. Everything about him screams perfect.

At first, I could get worried when I didn't get a text or call from him. I knew that I cared and I reigned myself saying that I cared about him because he was my friend. I didn't dare to step out of the territory saying that everything I feel towards him is what friends feel for one another.

The first slap of reality was when he said that he has an imprint. I got incredibly jealous thinking that absolutely no one should have him, or love him since he's my alpha.

The second slap was seeing him heartbroken and betrayed when he left the tent. I felt so guilty that I was seconds away from begging on my knees for his forgiveness.

The third slap was when I knew that Bella and Jake had kissed. I was not irritated with Jake but I was so infuriated with Bella that I wanted nothing to do with her. But I kept my cool saying he's just a friend.

Now when he's laying motionless, I couldn't fathom the idea of him leaving me. I'm selfish, I need him. I like him, I have feelings for him.

There I admitted it.

I have feelings for my first best friend. I have feelings for my alpha.

I don't know if he likes me that way. Hell, he even has an imprint. But I want him to be mine.

I would do anything to make it happen. I like him more than I love Bella.

Everything with him feels normal. The flirting, the texting, the chatting, just everything with him feels so right.

I like him.

I looked down at the most handsome creature that was lying at the cot. I gently wiped the sweat that was forming at his forehead.

God how can someone look so perfect even when half of his body is bandaged, when he's sweating profusely, when he's lying in nothing but black boxers.

I was taking his beauty slowly my eyes raking over his perfection.

God I like him so much.

Now I feel like scum. If only I had known that I've developed feelings for him earlier. I could've never proposed Bella. God I'm so stupid.

My perfect Jacob. I'm going to make a promise for my sake. I could never give upon this wolf so easily. I refuse to do so. I could not let anyone have this perfect creature. He's mine.

This feelings are way too strong. I gently ghosted my fingers down his forehead, nose and finally those plump pink lips. I was scared to touch him but my instincts are pretty much screaming at me to be as close as humanly possible with him. I kept looking at him and I don't exactly know how long I was there watching him like a creep that I am.

Carlisle told me that Jake can listen to his surroundings, he can listen to what we talk to him but he just can't respond. I was willing to give it a try.

I could never say this to his face. I'm the biggest coward in the group of cowards so this is when I can actually say what I feel, since he can't give his response to me.

'I know you need to heal; I know you need to take rest. I know your wolf shut your brain in order to help you heal better. But I need you Jake. I've been waiting too long. I need you now. I miss you Jake. And I want you to hold me Jake. I want you to make me feel safe like you did that night. I want to be in your arms. I want you to forgive me. Jake I'm so stupid. I'm sorry my Alpha. I'm sorry that I didn't realize my feelings sooner. I'm sorry. Please come back to me Jake. Fight harder. I like you so much that it scares me Jake. Please come back to me'

Now if only he can wake up.






PUBLISHED 2-09-2018

leech and mutt (BoyXBoy) - A Jakeward FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now