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ForeverTornWithTears has some wonderful books. check them out.

ZeeLyNA I'm waiting for your update on insta high. Update soon love

Edward's P.O.V:

As I ran, my mind flailed around, trying to come to terms with reality.

What would Jake do when I ask him to meet Bella right now?

Will he come?

Or will he ask me to fuck off in a not so nice way by beheading me.

Jacob and I could not coexist in any proximity to one another right now.

'This is your entire fault.'

Oh why? Thanks brain. You're definitely helping in making me feel like shit.

'You're welcome Eddie.'

God I guess the entire universe is against me, my brain included.

Jacob heard me running behind him and whipped around to protect himself. I stopped a good distance away and held up my hands, palms raised, to show that I had no aggressive intentions. He flicked his tail and snarled. I didn't blame him.

"Jacob," I said, "Bella cannot bear for you to leave in this way. It's tearing her apart. I'm begging you, please, for her, to come back and talk to her before you go. I'm afraid she'll endanger herself trying to follow you down the mountain." I stopped speaking abruptly when my voice quavered.

Of course, if I want him to return to the tent I need to use Bella's name. It's my only call right now.

Maybe he'll forgive me.

'After a thousand years' my brain reprimanded.

Jacob's black eyes peered into my mine, considering, assessing. I turned my back to him—the wolf equivalent of laying down my sword—and began to retrace my steps, slowly at first, until I heard him grunt his begrudging consent, then I started running. He kept some distance between us, but I knew he was following. Seth growled when he heard us coming.

"It's just us, Seth," Jacob called from the woods as he pulled on his clothing, short black boxers leaving his magnificent, chiseled chest for display.

How I longed to know what he was thinking right now!

All I've ever wanted was Bella and now I have her. But I can't stop the aching that I'm feeling right now.

Seth approached me. Sam says that Alice says that the Volturi are coming. She thinks they are following the newborn vampires, but their intentions are fuzzy. That's a big problem isn't it?

The Volturi!? "Yes, that's all we need," I muttered. "I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. But the timing is going to be very close. Please have Sam ask Alice to try to nail the schedule down better." I carefully chose my words, so as not to alarm Bella. She didn't need to hear that the second group who wanted to assassinate her was following in the footsteps of the first. We'd have to deal with each problem as it came at us.

I hurried to Bella's side. Jacob was waiting on the edge of the woods for Bella to approach and speak to him.

"Bella," I said gently, filtering my concern about the Volturi and all the pain I was feeling from my voice. "There's a bit of a complication," I said as lightly as I could manage. "I'm going to take Seth a little ways away and try to straighten it out." I said slowly peering towards Jake. His gaze was straight fixated on nothing.

"Hurry back," she whispered, anguish written across her face. I composed my expression into a neutral mask and gave her a light kiss.

I heard a low growl that was too low for human ears.

Didn't he just say he had an imprint? Then why the hell is he livid about me marrying Bella. He should be happy for his friend.

I understand that I messed up making a stupid deal, but the way he's acting now is making me think that his anger towards me is not about some stupid deal. It's totally about the marriage thing.

Maybe he still has feelings for Bella. Or maybe—

No, I stopped my train of thoughts abruptly. It can't be the reason. He's just angry that I broke his trust.

Yeah that must be the reason.

After planning the time constraints with Alice through Seth and Sam, I returned to the tent.

Eight minutes after I left Bella with Jacob, I heard him dash into the woods and run at full speed down the mountainside.

I just wish he could give me a chance to regain his trust.

Maybe I can earn some brownie points by setting him up with his imprint.

Whom am I kidding? I'm the only one who knows that he has an imprint. No one else knew about it. And he didn't exactly say me who his imprint was. So that's an impossible option right now.

I lowered myself beside her and stroked her disheveled hair.

"Are you all right?" I asked softly.

"No. I want to die," she replied, her voice low and raspy.

"That will never happen. I won't allow it." That was the only thing I was certain of in that moment.

"You might change your mind about that," Bella mumbled miserably.

"Where's Jacob?"

"He went to fight," Bella said, without raising her head.

What the hell happened between them?

Seth had followed me up to the ridge and was pacing back and forth outside.

"Did you know what happened?" I asked Seth.

The entire scenario played itself out in Seth's mind.

"Oh," I uttered when I saw the passionate kiss Bella and Jacob had shared.

At first Jake was shocked at Bella's move. But soon she asked him a goodbye kiss.

The word sounded surprisingly neutral, almost free of the gut–wrenching emotion that lay behind it. I flinched when the second kiss replayed, tender and sweet. It wasn't as if I hadn't figured out that Bella loved Jacob, but it didn't make the pain any easier to take.

"And I thought I fought dirty," I said, smiling. "He makes me look like the patron saint of ethics." Bella was still hiding her face from me. I brushed her hair back and stroked the side of her cheek. "I'm not mad at you, love. I do wish you hadn't asked him, though."

"Why aren't you angry with me? Why don't you hate me? Or haven't you heard the whole story yet?" Bella whispered, her tortured face finally turning toward mine.

"I think I got a fairly comprehensive look, I feel almost as bad for his pack as I do for myself. Poor Seth was getting nauseated." I told her, my lips twitching in amusement.

"You love him," I said softly. I had stopped fighting the truth and it was time for Bella to stop fighting it too. Such feelings didn't disappear by wishing them away. Acceptance was the only way through.

After a long silence Bella replied with tears in her voice. "I love you more."

"And I can live with that"






PUBLISHED 29-08-2018


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