24. Hallucinating

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A few days later...


"Where is he?" I asked Seth only for him to give me a glare. I ignored it. I haven't seen Jake in forever. Planning a wedding is tiring, even for a vampire.

"Please Seth. I haven't seen him since he woke up." I said in a sad voice hoping it would work on Seth and holy heavens it did.

"He's with Zyane"

"And who is Zyane?" I asked immediately fearing that he might be Jake's imprint.

"He's the alpha of Makah reservation. They are great friends. And if you look at them you would definitely say that they're couples. They're that close." 'and he's pretty hot. Wow Zyane is just so perfect' I gritted my teeth at Seth's thoughts.

"How long will it take for them to return?" I asked Seth but I was interrupted by tires screeching.

"Dude, that was awesome." Jake said his hands still tightly wound over a tanned guy's hip.

"I know you're a sucker for this, puppy." 'holyshit, it's a dream come true. He's clutching on to me. I can feel his muscles.' The new guy's thoughts were honestly irritating me.

He was smiling goofily at Jake. Calling a werewolf pup is a great insult and calling an alpha that is pretty much asking for your death certificate signed. I was eagerly waiting for Jake to punch the new guy's face, but that never happened.

"Oh yeah hottie, How about you freshen up in my room and then we can hang out? Maybe dinner?" Jake asked.

He called the new guy hottie. How dare he?

With long strides I neared Jake only to be blocked by the new guy.

"What is a leech doing here?" the new guy asked. I was hoping that Jacob would answer but he didn't which was a bit disappointing.

I turned and gave a formal answer.

"I came here to visit my best friend." I said.

"You have a best friend here, at the reservation?" he guffawed.


"And who is that?" the new comer asked.

"Jake" I replied with a one word answer only for the new guys eyes to be narrowed into slits.

"Yeah, he's one of my old acquaintance" Jake said "But I'm busy now Edward, I don't have time for you. How about you continue your wedding plans?" he asked with a blank face making me cry internally. I seriously thought I had a chance. And I don't think so anymore.

I turned away from him abruptly and ran.

That's what I'm specialized in. running away from the people I love.

And when I entered the house, I felt that something is gonna happen.

I was nervous wondering whether the thing that's gonna happen is going to be good or bad.

As expected, Bella neared me.

"Edward, we need to talk"

Jacob's P.O.V

Hanging out with Zyane really helped. He's keeping me happy. He is a nice person and the only person who knows that my imprint is Edward. He also knows that he's a mind reader. That had me wondering what he was thinking that got Edward so riled up.

But when I asked him all I got was a playful smirk.

Zyane is a child at heart. He's playful, funny, smart, good looking, strict when needed to be and a great person to hang with.

When I woke up, I expected to see Edward's face all because of my stupid hallucination. But he was not beside me when I woke up.

And when asked Bella about Edward she just gave me a funny look saying, he was busy 'planning their wedding'.

I was broken.

And I thought I had a chance. How funny?

Dreams are always too good to be real.

And now myself and Zyane are planning to go to the new club that is opened at Seattle for the supernaturals.

He was dressed in my clothes. And to be honest, it looked great on him.

"Puppy, get your sexy arse down here, otherwise I'm spanking you" he said playfully making me chuckle.

"Woah, hold your horses hottie, I'm coming." I said only for him to take that comment in a pervertful manner.

"I didn't even touch you puppy, don't you think it's soon?" he asked with a sexy smirk making me roll my eyes.

Hottie was driving my rabbit and soon we entered the club called 'dark desires'

The smell of different species of supernatural including cat shifters, vampires, pixies, invaded my nostrils.

Hottie pulled me to the dance floor slowly swaying his hips with accordance to the beats. And to be honest he was so sexy while doing it.

Soon his hands began roaming all over my body when his hips began thrusting into mine. And I was enjoying it.

Hottie being Hottie soon captured a lot of attention and soon people where wolf whistling and cheering at us.

He gave me a sly smile and suddenly my pants began to tighten.

"Puppy, faster" he said in a sexy voice making half the spectators jaw drop. I chuckled at his antics.

I leaned closer to his ear whispering, if you don't stop now, you're so getting it.

I was satisfied when I felt a shiver run through him.

He heeded my warning and pulled me to the bar.

"What species?" the bartended asked making us give him a funny look.

He explained saying that this club had drinks for all supernaturals, that can actually get them drunk.

We said that we were wolves and he asked our ranks. When we said alpha, he gave us some drink.

Soon we downed several glasses of the drink and continued our dancing.

Soon it turned into a heavy sexy dance session between me and Hottie.

Someone asked who's gonna top and for that Hottie answered, "We'll both take chances, after all we love each other."

I chuckled. Anyone besides us would think that we were couples. But it's just messing around for us. Even during dancing, it was nothing but we were putting a show for audience sake.

"Puppy, say me that you love me" Hottie whined wrapping his legs around my waist.

I gave him a smile saying "I do love you".

What I didn't expect was Edward standing in front of us.

Maybe I'm hallucinating again, or maybe not.







PUBLISHED 4-09-2018

leech and mutt (BoyXBoy) - A Jakeward FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now