Hunting Trip

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Edward P.O.V:

"Edward, you're always worried about my well–being. Don't you agree I'd be better off if I weren't so vulnerable? If I were one of you, Victoria would stop hunting me because it wouldn't be fun for her anymore." Bella's words were echoing through my ears.

It's very easy to say that Bella is not just the same. She's changed and that's totally my fault. I left her and that brought her insecurities to surface. And now she's frightened of the fact that she's not a vampire like us more than the fact there is a crazy vampire who is trying to kill her.

Even though its hard to admit, she would have been dead if not for the pack and I'm forever in debt for that.

'Are you alright' Jasper's thoughts brought me out of my trance.

"Yeah" I replied my voice barely above a whisper.

With that we got separated to hunt without any interference.

But still there was many doubts in my mind. I love Bella, but what if we're moving to fast and in the end she regrets our relationship. 

Because, the last time we got into a small talk about marriage she chickened out saying that it was too fast for that. Then how is it okay to change her into one of us? Isn't it too early for that too?

She's young and naive, she wants to be one of us. I can grant her wish but what if she regrets becoming one of us? This change is not exactly reversible. For example, Rose would give up everything she has to just be human again. Getting trapped in a teen body and never growing old is not that enjoyable. You can't grow old, have human friends and there'll be nothing normal in your life after becoming a vampire.

"What is bothering you?" Jasper asked when we were alone.

"I was thinking about Bella, What if she regrets everything after I change her?" I asked to Jasper without any hesitation. I can talk these things to Jasper who is the best in giving advice. Of course Carlisle is good too, but he'll side with Bella instead of taking everything into account. 

"Edward, Can I give you a honest opinion??" He asked. I merely nodded.

"Eddie, Bella is obsessed with you. If I'm really honest.."

"Tell me Jasper" I encouraged him.

"The emotions I'm feeling from her is changed. There's no longer love. It's just pure obsession and she hasn't even realised it yet. But it won't take long. She has to be changed though since it's the rule the Voluntri has made. Then again I'm pretty sure that after her change she'll know that you're not meant for her and she'll end up leaving you to find her own mate. So either way Edward, stay strong." He completed.

Humans just freeze for a few seconds when they are in shock but for a vampire it take a few minutes.

After a few minutes I just processed everything he said. It makes sense. I love Bella. I do. But it's nothing like Carlisle and Esme or Emmett and Rosalie. It's just like Jasper and Alice. Love is there but it's not strong because we're not mates.

Jasper and Alice are also not mates. They are just together. They love each other but they live under constant fear of the other finding their true mate.

The same will be me and Bella after her transformation. And I don't want that. But how can I leave her when I know how the result will be?

I sighed. Jasper the ever so patient one was still there waiting for me to say something.

"What do I do Jas?" I groaned.

"There's no much you can do Eddie. Just wait for everything to play out. I'm here for you. We all are." He said giving me a one armed hug and straightening his posture before sprinting towards the direction of Forks.

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