lunchtime with tyler

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Billy's pov:

I was heading to the cafeteria when Tyler bumped into me. "Oh hey." "Oh my God I'm so sorry are you okay?" "Yeah it's all good don't worry about it, you're Tyler right?" He smiled and nodded his head, he seemed nice. "Hey uh are you sitting with anyone at lunch?" He asked curiously. "Yeah I'm sitting with my friends and boyfriend. But uh your welcomed to join." I said trying to be polite. "Are you sure I don't wanna impose?" "Yeah of course here follow me I'm sure they won't mind." I said grabbing his cheer bag from his hand trying to be a gentleman. "Aw thank you Billy."
We walked out to the courtyard where I saw the group already at a table in the corner and walked up to them Tyler trailing behind,"Vance, Robin hey! What's good Finn and Bruce. Hey babe!" I said high-fiving everyone and kissing Griffen. I put Tyler bag down in the seat next to mine and plopped down. "Hope y'all don't mind but Tyler is joining us."I said with a smile. I saw Griffen get a little angry but his attitude left as fast it came. "Hi everyone!" Tyler said in a cheerful voice taking a seat next to me. Than me and him started talking because we both had something in c'mon athletics. Right now I'm in basketball and Tyler is a cheerleader which was pretty cool to me. I mean I could see it he's pretty fit and sorta attractive.

Finney's pov:

I glanced at Billy and Tyler who were talking non-stop. "Yo Griff isn't that THE Tyler yk traitorous backstabbing ex best friend Tyler??" I asked look at him. He visibly flinched a vein looking like it was about to burst out his forehead from watching them,"Yeah it is." I looked over at Bruce giving a slight nod, he knew exactly what I was doing and whispered something to Vance. Vance visibly got mad with Tyler presence and crossed his arms across his chest. I whispered to Robin,'Rob he's THE tyler.' he understood immediately and also had a scowled face. Lunch was finally over and just as we all were packing up- "Aw Billy you're such a sweetheart I really appreciate you trying to hold my bag but I can do it myself." "It's really no problem I mean we're both heading to the gym right now anyways." Billy was smiling at him it was sickening honestly. I looked over at Griffen his first were balled up, nails digging into his palm you could see a bit of blood coming from it. Man this year was not gonna be good for Griffen I only hope for the best.

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