Back to school

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Third person's pov:

It was finally over, the Christmas torture, Griffen staring at Tyler's gift, Tyler getting found and billy comforting him, Vance receiving not so nice gifts from Bruce's parents, but getting some from Liam and his mom. Robin and Finney's families coming together for the holidays. Now it was back to hell. And God did Griffen not wanna go, he didn't want to see a traumatized Tyler latching onto billy for dear life. It could be because he didn't understand what being kidnapped was like, but he felt a type of way knowing that billy blew him off new years, no call, no text, no heads up. He ditched him because Tyler came crying to his house. And of course his family (besides Vance) had rude shit to say about it.

Griffin's pov:

Monday January 2nd,

I walked in, everyone knew what happened to Tyler three days before Christmas, they all had guilt and sadness spread across their faces. I felt guilty for not feeling a type of way about it. But when I got to the rest of the group they continued like it was a normal day and nobody got kidnapped, "Hey griffen- where's billy?" Finney asked once I reached them. "Oh you know, with Tyler." I said opening my locker. "Yeah he ditched during new years because he showed up and Billy's door." Vance said eyes wondering around. Bruce looked at him and the turned around to check at what he was looking at.

"Are you fucking kidding me Vance?" Bruce said looking kind of pissed when he turned back around facing him.
"What? C'mon it's not even like that." "Wait so what's going on??" Robin says looking just as confused as the rest of us. "Well let's see on Christmas Eve Vance's ex Liam who he has an actual past with walked him to my house, on new years he texted Vance saying he was transferring to our school, and on top of that those two were just staring at eachother." Bruce said pointing in the direction behind him. We all look at indeed there was Liam in all his glory.

"Oh c'mon I wasn't looking at him." Vance said, I could tell he was trying to change the topic. "Than who were you looking at?" Bruce said, Vance's eyes started wondering around again until he pointed, "At Tyler and billy obviously..." Vance began to shrug off the conversation. "Anyways I have to go, I have history??" He said in a more questioning matter. Bruce grabbed Vance's and his own bag, "No we have Chemistry." Bruce said leaving and Vance following awkwardly behind.

Finney's pov:

Jesus these people need to get their shit together. Robin began wrapping his arms around him,"Griffen, if you feel some type of way tell billy, if he doesn't understand that break up there's no point in being in a relationship with someone who doesn't seem to care." I said calm  but boredly. Robin hummed to my statement, "Yeah because that would piss me off too dude." "Anyways I have to go make sure this guy goes to his math class, good luck Griffen!" I said taking Robin's hands and walking towards his class while he grunted and cursed under his breathe.

Robin's pov:

I hate back to school.

Sorry I haven't been posting alot, I've been trying to focus on school and stuff like that I may or may not post again this week. But have a great day everyone❤️

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