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Griffen's pov:

I had woken up and noticed Billy wasn't laying with me anymore, I sat up and looked around the room and saw a stuffed bear on my desk. I searched for my phone a tiny while later and when I found it there was a text from Billy saying he had to go home. I just smiled I had so much fun with him I didn't care. I went down stairs and saw my mom, "Hey mom can I hang out with my friends today.?" I said going to grab the bread. "Sure I don't care. Also tell Vance he needs to come home tonight, were having guest." She said getting up to leave. "Yes ma'am." I decided after I was doing eating and getting dressed I would head over to Finney's house. Worst decision ever, the atmosphere was so thick you could take a knife and cut it. Bruce and Vance weren't talking to eachother. Billy was on his phone, Robin was eating chips, and Finney was off in space. "Uh hey guys." I said taking a seat next to Billy. "Hey babe, do you know what's wrong with Bruce and Vance??" "No."

Bruce's pov:

Okay I'm tired of him ignoring me. "Vance." "What?" "Why did Liam walk you here." ................ "Liam did what??" Griffen and Billy said clearly confused. "Oh yeah Vance let Liam walk him here, we didn't even know him and Liam were close." I said starting to get irritated. "We're not. And you guys can mind your business!" He said starting to yell. "Be honest are you fucking cheating." "What the fuck no Bruce why the hell would I cheat." "Because you're being all secretive about Liam." "No the hell I'm not!" "YES YOU ARE YOU WONT EVEN TELL US WHY HE WALKED YOU HERE!!" "YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU GUYS SINCE IM APPARENTLY CHEATING LEMME JUST GO HANG OUT WITH HIM INSTEAD OF YOU GUYS.!!!" "FINE AND FUCK YOU TO!"
I watched a Vance go up and stomped around grabbing his stuff, I wanted to say something, anything that would make him stay, I was just angry I didn't want him to go to Liam. As soon as he got a hold of all his stuff he left slamming the door. Everything was now awkward and very silent. I didn't know what to say and I felt tears in my eyes.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter 🤍🤍

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