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Billy's pov:

I was skipping my classes today, I was kinda stressed I didn't know what to think. Vance yelling at me, Griffen looking stressed, becoming friends with Tyler had messed with my head. I was smoking in one of the stalls when I heard someone walking in. I quickly put out my cigarette incase it was a teacher and walked out. But just to my relief it was Tyler. "Woah you look jumpy." "Oh shut up I was smoking and thought you were a teacher." "Damn the basketball star Billy showalter also known as the town paper boy, smoking and skipping?? That's interesting." He said with a laugh. "Yeah yeah, and what about you?" "Hmm came here to vape usually no one is in herd during this period." "Ah I see, care to join me than??" "Duh." He said pushing me back into the stall I came out of and locked it. "So what flavor do you have?" I said taking out weed instead of what I usually smoke. "Grape and green tae." I fake gagged at what he said,"Ew that shits fucking nasty." "No it's not it's actually way better than it sounds." I shook my head,"No me and Vance tried that shit it was so nasty." "Well how about you try it again maybe it won't be so bad." He said as I sat on the floor and tried rolling my stuff on my lap. "Yeah no sweetie." I said as I licked it and got my lighter out, when I finally lit it I inhaled while closing my eyes and felt a bit of weight on me.
Tyler was sitting on my lap inhaling the smoke from the vape I exhaled in a different direction and when I looked back at him he wanted me to open my mouth. I knew what he was talking about or well wanted me to do. I've seen people do it all the time, so I did as demonstrated and he blews it in my face while smiling. We were in the position for a bit before he just sorta.... Kissed?

Tyler's pov: 4 hrs after the bathroom incident

I was heading to lunch while touching up my mascara. When I finally looked away from my tiny mirror I saw Griffen and Billy talking in a corner next to the lockers. No one was paying any mind to them because people were trying to head to lunch. But it looked like they were flirting. Bilky smiling enthusiastically at Griffen, while Griffen softly punch him on his arm while looking happily flustered. Lucky bitch, he always gets what he wants. Billy than picked Griffen up and they made their way to the cafeteria. I just stood there before making my way to their table. Griffen was not winning this time. I sat between them,"Hey everyone!" I said in ky best voice. Vance fave me a look like he wanted to kill me, Finney and Bruce were glancing at me and judging me and Robin didn't even skate me a glance, meanwhile Griffen looked stunned. "Hey Tyler how are you doing today." My attention was pulled back and I looked at Billy,"Oh just fine but uh I could really use your help with my math homework." I said to him. "Maybe you can come by my house later?? Pretty please." I said smiling while having my hand on his arm. "Oh yeah sure no problem we can walk to your house after school if that's fine." "Of course it is thank you!!" I said and gave him a wink before leaving. I knew Griffen was looking but fuck him honestly.

Safeword - TV GIRL>>>>

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