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Tyler's pov:

It's Christmas break, Billy said he would spend the first week with me, than go over to griffins. He missed hanging out with me, I won't lie I missed him to. Guess I got a bit attached to him, but it doesn't matter. I don't know why he won't tell Griffen to FUCK off and he can be friends with whoever he wants to.

There was knocking on the door and I quickly got up and answered it. "Hey bill." I said smiling he looked like he looked like he was freezing. He was wearing the same plaid pajama pants as me and a black hoodie while I wore a black shirt. "Let me in shithead." He said pushing past me. "My bad." I said as I closed and locked the door. "Mhm,, bro so I brought cookie dough, chocolate and vanilla ice cream, and some soda." He said pointing towards his backpack than giving me a hug. "Thanks, I'll pay you back later okay??" "Nah it's fine really." Billy began taking a small step back. "Okay well I love you now let's decorate my tree. I got a white one this time." "Mhm love you to." He said taking my hand and we went to go look for the decorations.

We finished decorating the Christmas tree, it looked beautiful, like one you would see in a town square. Me and him started baking the cookie dough, I was on live because I need to give my followers a little update on how I'm doing. "Billy I swear to fucking God if you eat more cookie dough I'm gonna choke you." "Try to." He said taking a chunk of dough and eating. "You dumbass you're gonna get salmonella!" I said snatching the tub of cookie dough out of his hand. "No I'm not I don't taste any poison." He said smiling and sticking his tongue out. "Whatever let me see who just joined my live." I got closer to my phone to see,"Oh hello, ___ welcome to my live." I turned to look back at Billy and saw he put the cookies in the oven and took the ice cream out. "Hey Sherlock get the mother fucking vanilla, no one likes chocolate." "Shut up and no chocolate is so much better were eating it first.

Cookies were finally fucking done, after me and Billy are all 24 we made we both felt sick. So we just laid with one another watching the Grinch.

Billy's pov:

"Bruh I'm never coming back over here after this." I said with a deep sigh. "You wish you could stay away, I'm just too magnificent." Tyler began while getting up and cleaning the mess. "And you love me too much right bill?" "Mhm whatever helps you sleep at night." I said adjusting myself on the couch. "It will help, especially since we're matching pj's tonight." "Look I would've never worn it but you insisted." I said trying to make it seem like I wasn't the one who bought the pants for us. "Well you could always return them if you don't like them." He said washing dishes. "Nah I might keep them, red is definitely my color." "You sure?? I think grey is." "Ew grey is so bland, and boring. Almost like you when your in a tantrum." After he finished washing dishes and came back and laid with me. "Do you have to leave after Friday? Why can't we spend Christmas together..." He said looking at me. "Because I promised Griffen that I'd spend Christmas with him this year bc I was with my dad last year." I said resting my eyes. "That's not fair... Can I get you for Valentine's day than, as a friendly hangout of course, nothing too romantic." He said smiling. "Mhm, yeah we'll see. But I'ma head to bed now I'm tired as hell." "Mhm okay gn bill." He said kissing me on my cheek. "Night ty."
Jeez I hope Griffen doesn't find out I'm hanging with Tyler this entire week."

I think either the second to last chapter or after the last chapter I'll give y'all a special, since a lot of you want to read abt Tyler dying a terrible and gruesome death. Other than that the first chapter of my new Rinney story will be published tmrw. Have a great morning/afternoon/night 🤍🤍

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