sadness with Griffen

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Griffen's pov:

After awhile of being at Billy's he decided to walk me home. We were hand in hand but before we could even reach the door my fucking father walked out towards us full of anger. He snatched me and looked at Billy,"What did I fucking tell you about hanging out with my boy, commoners don't deserve to know his name." He said spitting through his words. "Fuck off nothing is gonna stop me from seeing him, love you Griff see you tomorrow love!" He yelled turning and leaving. When my dad brought us inside I got an earful from both him and my mother. They never liked Billy, I never understood why. Than my father started calling me a fag and others slurs as such. But than he finally did it,"I wish I had a fucking daughter she would've listened WHY CANT YOU BE MORE LIKE YOUR OLDER BROTHER!" he said. That really did it I felt tears streaming down my face and I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. I hated when he compared me to that fucking low life. I blasted music and went under my covers. I fucking hated my parents, mainly my dad. Sometimes I wish I could just disappear to a safe space only built for me, no Tyler, no mom, no dad, no brother just me and Billy and the peace surrounding us. I ended up falling asleep due to all my thinking. The only thing I could think about while drifting off was Billy, the only one that truly saw me for me, the only one that truly loved me, the Billy that talked to me when I lost all my friends, my faithful boyfriend Billy.

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