Stress and Frustration are not good

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No one's pov: Monday

It was early in the morning people were heading to school. Billy and Griffen haven't talked since Saturday. Vance knows but won't say anything he doesn't want to deal with griffen's anger. It's too annoying having to hear him scream or randomly have outburst. Tyler was happy about getting closer with Billy but when he came to Tyler's house stressed he decided to hold off on 'Taking Billy from Griffen' and actually decided to focus on Billys mental state. Bruce let Vance stay with him over the weekend since he knows how Griffen gets when hes mad. While Finney and Robin are sorta doing their own thing and trying to keep it peaceful but God was this Monday morning going to be shit.

Vance's pov:

I was walking down the hall with the gang minus Billy he wasn't home when we tried to pick him up for one, and secondly Griffen was cussing the entire way to his house anyways. But we saw a really stressed out Billy in baggy clothes at school which was unusual for his all sporty memo he has going on. I feel like somehow there's something going on with him, but that's none of my business. Right next to him was Tyler who seemed concerned. I looked over at Griffen who was throwing a small fuse. "You know what I'm going to fucking March over there." He said already walking off. "Wait no he looks kinda stressed!-" Finney was too late at saying that because Griffen was already approaching them. Tyler's concerned face still lacing on as he saw Griffen he whispered something to Billy probably telling him because Billy turned around right as Griffen finally reached them.

Griffen's pov:

"So you ditch me to hang out with him, than gave the audacity to show your face at school with him?" I said pure anger and frustration in my face. "Griff not right now I'm not in the mood tonight or anything but argue or anything right now..." He said about to turn back around.  "You know what you're a selfish prick. You ditched me didn't have the common decency to give me a real apology and than you still continue to talk to him." "Griffen leave me the fuck alone right now. I'm stressed. I'm not in the fucking mood. What do you not get." He said starting to get irritated. "Oh you're stressed. I should be the one stressed. If anything all I know you could possibly be cheating on me." "Whatever fuck you Griffen, in tired and don't want to hear this bullshit right now. Talk to me when I'm better and your fucking right in the head. I don't have time to hear this j have shit going on." He said finally walking away. Tyler than looked at me,"He never told you about his family huh? Or have you just never met them??" "What the fuck does his family have to do with anything you fuck whore." "Holy shit, you know absolutely nothing meanwhile I know more than your friend group combined and he's only talked to me for like almost a month now?? That's pathetic." He finally said and walked off leaving me confused.

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