Smoking with billy

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Tyler's pov:

"Thanks again for carrying my bag here." " It's not problem, honestly." Billy said, damn why does he have to be so fine. He handed me my bag and walked over to his team mates and I walked over to mine. My sister walked up to me,"Finally shot your shot." "Sorta taylor, sorta." I said taking out a mirror to check myself out. "Good job baby bro." "Hey you're only older by 30 seconds." I said in with a huff "Yeah whatever still counts." We got started with practicing out routine but my eyes were wandering to Billy who also kept glancing at me and giving me smiles. I would wave ever so often until fucking Griffen stagg walked in.  He went to Billy and Billy started talking to him with an even brighter smile that  he given me. Billy grabbed his bag said something to his coach than walked outside with Griffen hand in hand. "Uhhhh I'll be right back gotta use the bathroom." I said scurrying to follow them.

Griffen's pov:

I went to the gym to talk to Billy, he happily agreed because he was exhausted anyways and asked his coach if he could leave early. His coach ended up saying yes and we walked out together. "So what's up my love??" "Are you gonna leave me?" I said more straight forward. "WHAT- no why would you think that?" "Well it's just Tyler and you were being really really friendly, I don't know why I was thinking that I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" Billy interrupted me by giving me a comforting kiss. I deepend it until Billy pulled away."My love I won't leave you for anyone I promise okay?" He gave me a sincere look and I just nodded my head. We had began walking again and he took a cigarette out and lit it. "Hey bill I'ma run inside and use the bathroom before we go wait here." I said running back into the bathroom quickly I hadn't noticed who I passed on the way there.
When I got there I saw Finney, "Hey Finney!" "Oh hey Griff, you and Billy leaving early again??" He said washing his hands. "Yeah if we don't my mom and dad are gonna try and pick me up " "Ah okay well I'll see you guys tomorrow bye!" Finney said exiting.

Billy's pov:

I was on my phone and smoking a cigarette when someone came into sight,"You really shouldn't smoke those, they make your lungs black." Tyler said smiling at me. "Im starting to think that you're stalking me Tyler ." I said grinning and putting out my cigarette. "Stalking? No. Just so happened to be bumping into you? Yeah. Also I never got your number or snap so I could schedule a 'tutoring' time." "Okay lemme see your phone." He handed it to me I took out my phone clicked a few buttons, took a picture, and my contact number was saved. "There." "So how does tomorrow sound?" "Tomorrows not a good day I'm hanging with my friends." "So how about Saturday than??" "Sure I'm free just text me a time and yeah." "Okay perfect thank you!!" He has hugged me, I didn't want to be rude so I hugged him back.
Just than Griffen came back, he saw us but avoided looking and walked over,"Babe can we go now.." he said in a quite tone. "Yeah of course, bye Tyler see you Saturday I guess." "Bye Billy!" He said with a smile and walked off." I held griffen's hand and we started walking to my house. "Saturday??" He asked clearly confused. "I'm tutoring Tyler Saturday." I said putting my phone in my pocket,"Oh okay.." "Why did you want to hang out? I can reschedule." "No no it's fine tutor him. I don't mind." "Okay love."  I smiled down at him and stopped walking picked him up and started sprinting to my house. "BILLY WHAT THE HELL OUT ME DOWN WERE GONNA FALL!!" he said in concern. "NO WERE NOT LOOSEN UP GRIFF!!" I said through fitted laughter.

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