"Harmless studying"

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Billy's pov: After school

I was holding griffin around his waist,"Baby we'll hang out after I'm don3 tutoring him I promise." I said to him,"Okay text me when you get home so that way I know you're safe." "Okay I will." I said smiling, he smiled back he's such a beautiful being. We parted way so he could get into Vance's car and I waited for Tyler.
He finally came running out a good 10 mins later,"Sorry! I got held up by cheer practice, the coach is so fucking strict about being perfect." I started cackling while he was panting. "DUDE YOU LOOK LIKE A HOT MESS!" I said. "SHUT UP AT LEAST I DINT LOOK LIKE A SWEATY MOP!" He yelled back, I did my signature dramatic gasp. "HOW DARE YOU I HAD ATHLETICS FOR LAST PERIOD?!!" I yelled. We both just started laughing at eachother, but soon calmed down and started walking to his house.
When we got to his house we were greeted by his mom,"HI HONEY WELCOME- Oh who is this?" She said with a bright smile. "Billy showalter my tutor and friend, he came by to help with some math homework." She looked over at me and smiled,"Well hi Billy you can call me Sasha it's nice to have you in our home!" She said and gave me a hug. "Oh thank you uh- Sasha? I won't be here long promise!" "Oh no sweetie stay however long you want just don't make too much noise it's gets a little rowdy at times." "Oh okay thank you ma'am." I said to her. "Okay mom go you're embarrassing meee!!" Tyler said whining and pushing his mom to what I assumed was her room. I just laughed it was pretty funny to be honest.

Tyler's pov: while they were studying

"Can we take a break it's been hoursssss." I said complaining. "Yeah sure" he said texting on his phone. I snatched his phone from him,"Seriously texting Griffen? C'mon let's have some real fun no texting Griffen, no studying just me-you and some fun?" I said with a smile. He looked contemplated but he smiled and gave in. "Fine but you have to buy me fries." "Hmm a whole day with you and I get you fries seems like a deal pretty boy." I grabbed he hand and got up. We ended up heading to an arcade and yes I got him his fries, he wanted McDonald's fries specifically so we went and I got a 20 piece nugget and we both shared a sprite. When we got to the arcade I wanted to do some dancing so me and him made a bet but somehow I ended up giving him 20 dollars. After awhile we got into the photo booth. "Hey Billy?" "Yeah?" He said looking towards me. I missed him before the last picture was shot, and we stayed like that for a few moments before pulling away, "Wanna stay the night at my house?" "Hm, sure I have nothing else to do." He said we quickly got out and grabbed the pictures, than left.

No one's pov:

Although he forgot one thing, he made plans with a boy who was waiting for his messages but than stopped, when he saw Billy had posted on his Instagram. He expected it to be something sweet but it was a picture of him and Tyler watching a movie with the words,'Having a sleepover ' with it. He also forgot that the exact some person had a stepbrother who was an arcade-aholic with his boyfriend who went with them everywhere and just so happened to see them their.

I love how you guys hate Tyler your comments be making me cackle  😭😭😭

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