Halloween Party

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Late halloween special

Tyler's pov:

Jeez Liam broke up with me, could care less though he seemed more interested in Vance anyways. Anywyas I was throwing the best Halloween party ever. Well was atleast, but than that bitch Griffen had to walk in hand in hand with Billy. Why the hell does he get good things while I'm stuck with the bad shit, he isn't even pretty or popular. What does Billy see in him, when he could literally have me. I decided I wanted to cause trouble so I walked over to their group. "Hey guys! Hey Billy! Welcome to my party." I said giving Billy a hug. "Oh hey Tyler, nice party." He said hugging me back but quickly retracting his hands one at his side the other holding griffens. "Well we have food and drinks in the kitchen, games and dancing in the living room and if your uncomfortable we have extra rooms upstairs." I said smiling. "Oh okay cool." I saw Vance walk away from Bruce and towards Liam. Bruce seemed red with anger, Finney and Robin left. And Griffen just left to go get food. "So Billy wanna dance with me??" "Uh-" he started looking around but couldn't find what he was looking for "Sure I guess." he said as I took his hand. When we started dancing I began to speak,"You know ive tried texting and calling, and usually I never do that for anybody so how come when I do it to you, you never answer now or you text me saying your busy." I said. "Uh- well you know I've been with griffen-" "Billy I don't care about Griffen. I care about you, and let's be honest hes probably waiting for you to leave him so he can get with Liam." I cut him off. "Come on don't be like this Tyler, and he won't leave me for liam." "Oh c'mon don't tell me you haven't seen there messges-" "they're what??" Looks like I struck a nerve. "Oh sorry I forgot I couldn't say my bad." I said. "No finish what you were gonna say?" "Well I was just saying you know they text alot on Instagram I thought you would've noticed.

Bruce's pov:

I see why Vance was dressed as a fucking angel now, he was matching with Liam. What the hell, since when could anyone just walk in and ruin shit.

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