A little bit of Liam and Vance

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Liam's pov:

I was coming back to my house, I got into an argument with Tyler and he kicked me out so I decided to go home to cool off. Though I heard chatting from the livingroom, I walked in and saw my mom talking to Vance while he was eating her town famous chocolate cake. "It really is nice of you to visit after so long sweetie, you know it makes me so sad you both broke up." She said setting her hand on the side of her chair. "Yeah well you're still a really nice woman plus you practically raised me by helping my mom so I'm always happy to visit." He said putting down his plate. "Hey mom, hey Vance what are you guys doing." I said leaning on the wall. "Oh sweetie, isn't this lovely vancey visited me, how could you let such a sweetheart go??" She said. "Mom I think it's time for bed." I said walking towards her helping her get up and walking her to her room. After I finally got that woman to go to bed I went back to the living room to see Vance was gone. But than I heard the sink in the kitchen and thought he was probably washing his dish. I walked in and was right, honestly my mom's right Tyler's pretty bitchy I kinda do miss Vance. "Hey shithead stop staring you fucking creep." He said. "My bad dude." I said rolling my eyes and going to sit at the table. "So why'd you really visit??" "Your mom called, I decided to came see her, end of discussion." He said finishing. "Well do you wanna stay the night, I mean you're already in pajamas as I can see plus it's really late." "No thank you I actually have somewhere to be." He said leaving the kitchen and from the corner of my eye I see him grabbing his jacket and putting his shoes on.

Vance's pov:

"Let me walk you." I heard. "Fuck no, you can stay your ass here." I started putting my jacket on and zipped it up half way and put my hood on. "If you let me walk you I'll leave you alone for awhile." He said I heard him getting up from his seat and walk over to me. "C'mon for old times sake, my mom would kill me if you walked by yourself." I had taken a step away from him. "Fine but the second you try something I'm punching your face in. Your mom won't be able to recognize you." I had opened the door by now, "Okay vancey."

We were almost at Finney's house by now, Liam was on his phone and I was on mine. I was texting Bruce,"Ooo is vancey smiling." He said in an annoying teasing tone. "Yes I am so fuck off." I said flipping him off. "Who are you texting golden boy??" "Don't call him that, but since you want to make it your concern yes, yes I am." I said putting my phone away. "Hey so I actually have a question." He said also putting his phone away. "Yeah what?" "How come as soon as he came back to you, you broke it off with me and went running back to him." Silence. "Do you not know how to answer??" By now we were in front of Finney's house. "Thank you for walking me I'ma go though." "No answer my question why is it that you won't get back with me but for Bruce you'll go running back." He said becoming angery. "Because-" "Uh Vance what's going on?? Is Liam also coming inside??" I looked over towards Finney's door an$ saw Bruce, the rest of the gang behind him. "No he was just leaving." "Whatever you're answering my question next time." He said walking away and I made my way inside the house. "Hey what was that about??" "Nothing Bruce." I said taking my shoes and hood off.

Might update again today, but it's only a possibility have an awesome day you guys 🤍

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