Gift exchange & leaving

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Billy's pov:

It's been a week now that I've been with Tyler, honestly I'm glad he's one of my best friends. He's so fun to be around, you're never bored when you're with him. Too bad I gotta go today however being with my boyfriend is more important than being with tyler. Speaking of I'm on the phone with him, I was missing him and he was being fed up with his family. "Hey Griff.. calm down a bit I'll be over there to get you in an hour tops okay?"  I said reassuring him. "Okay.. but it's.. there being so annoying, 'Vance doesn't care if he gets a present or not.' 'You're so fucking spoiled.' it's so irritating to hear every fucking year." He said. "I know baby.. hey if I'm not there within at least 40 mins, I'll take you out tonight deal??" I said smiling. I could tell he was smiling to by the tone of his voice, "Okay fine. I love you see you in a bit." "Love you to bye Griff." I said hanging up first.

"Billyyyyyyyy!!!" Tyler yelled from the bathroom. "Yeah!" "Can you bring me a towel please!! Also are you and Griffen off the phone now??!" "Yes and Yes!" I said getting up and grabbing his towel from the bed. I knocked on the bathroom door, "Here's your towel." I said looking away from the door once he opened it. "Hey when you start leaving can I walk you over there?? I actually have a gift for Griffen." Tyler I had said closing the door. "Uh- a gift?? I thought y'all don't get along." "Oh we don't but you're my best friend and that's your boyfriend I should show some sort of peaceful action shouldn't I??" He said finally coming out dressed. "Uh yeah I guess you can come than." I said scratching the back of my neck, I was not sure how this was gonna go.

Griffen's pov:

It's been 20 mins since me and Billy got off the phone. If Billy isn't here within the next 40 he owes me a date. I wanted to ask where he was, since we were on ft I could tell he wasn't in his room. It looked familiar but I didn't question it. As soon as I heard the door bell rang I shot up and ran to the door so my other family members wouldn't open it. I was sadly too late though because of my dad. "GRIFFEN GET DOWN HERE YOUR FAGGOT BOYFRIEND AND HIS FRIEND Is HERE." He yelled most likely assuming I'm still upstairs than walking away from the door. I saw Billy mumble something than look to his right, I also looked and saw Tyler. Walking up I was quick to question, "Why the FUCK is he here." I said sternly, "He wanted to make amends with you." Billy said smiling awkwardly and stepping off to the side. "Yeah, so Griffen I know we're not exactly on good terms but I was thinking since Billy's my best friend, and your boyfriend, we could try to make an effort at getting along." He said smiling than pulling a gift from behind his back "I even brought you a gift! It helps with acne." He said handing it to me. I just stood there silently Billy took the hint telling Tyler good-bye. As Tyler gave Billy a short (not short enough) hug he walked off and Billy came in closing and locking the door.


Yo sorry for not posting in awhile I was taking a short mental health break :) but I hope everyone's doing amazing 🤍🤍🤍

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