Suprise gifts

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Third person's pov:

Wednesday. A school day. But today won't be just a normal school day. Because everyone was surprised to see a certain someone at the lunch room with a buck load of gifts. Someone who didn't even go to their school.

Griffen's pov:

I was walking hand in hand with Billy to the cafeteria. But for some reason people kept staring at us- or we'll me. And they had their phones out recording, I felt uncomfortable. I didn't understand until we got inside the lunch room and Liam was sitting with a pissed of Vance seeming talking to him with tons of gifts next to him. Until he noticed I was staring at him he than go up and walked over to us ignoring Billy's presence. "Hey Griff, how are you today??" He said, it felt weird knowing someone other than Billy was calling me that but I brushed it off. "I'm doing good but what are you doing here?? You don't exactly go to this school." "Oh I thought I would just swing by, I also didn't want to come empty handed so I brought gifts." He said smiling down at me, I didn't realize but I was also smiling. Billy suddenly let go of my hand and stormed off to go sit with Vance. Jeez what was his problem, "Oh uh thanks but don't you think it was a bit much??" "Of course not besides you deserve it. We should probably sit down now though." I just obliged and we sat down with Vance and Billy, the others joining shortly after. I kept noticing that while I was talking to Liam he would glance over somewhere so I decided to see where he was looking and it was Vance who was messing with his hair like he was nervous, he did kinda look like a nervous wreck right now.

Liam's pov:

When was the last time me and Vance had a civil conversation without him looking at me mad. Probably sophomore year, after him and Bryce took a small break from their relationship. He was sad, vulnerable, in need of love, and I gave him just that. But now everytime he even thinks he sees me he's frustrated. I won't deny I shouldn't have broken up with him the way I did. But it's too late now, anyways here he is doing his worst habit possible. Messing with his already messy curls and sorta pulling his hair. I was so focused on glancing at Vance that I didn't notice Griffen trying to get my attention. "Yo Liam are you good?? Do you need water." "Oh no sorry I spaced out, what were you saying." "It's cool I was just talking about why jeans are so much better than shorts." He said than continued the conversation. I looked back over at Vance, but this time met by Bruce's gaze while he played with Vance's hair seemingly putting it in a bun or something. I quickly averted my gaze. Vance never let anybody touch his hair unless it was his mom. Strange.

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