Halloween Party pt 2.

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Vance's pov:

I was hanging out with Liam, my old friend group which were just his friend, and my pinball friends, jack and Marty. I guess they thought someone pissed me off because Liam had put his hand on my shoulder, "Hey guys me and Vance are gonna go smoke, we'll be right back." He said to them than pulled me through the crowd, going outside to Tyler garden. YES this rich mother fucker has a garden. Who even plants anymore. "What's bothering you Blondie. You're frowning and not making any snarky remarks about anyone." He said staring down at me like I was a fucking girl. "It's none of your concern, and stop looking at me like I'm a chick." I said.  "So it's about Bruce?" "When did I bring that fucker into this conversation??" "Just now because when you guys are on good terms you say his name, or you call him your boyfriend, but just now you called him a fucker." What the hell, is this dude some sort of warlock or something. "Yeah whatever." "Hey you shouldn't let him get in the way of you partying. Just forget about him and do Whatever the hell you want." He said smirking. "You're right, I'm fucking Vance Hopper, I fight more people than I care about them." I said suddenly encouraging myself. "Yeah now c'mon let's go back into the party." He said putting and arm around my shoulder, "Yeah yeah." I said as we walked back into the party. Before we made it to the group though Liam stopped momentarily and kissed me on my forehead.

Griffen's pov:

I was enjoying the party, but than I heard ooo's and ahh's as a crowd started forming in the living room. I made my way towards the crowd squishing past people get see what's going on. And I saw Bruce beating the shit out of Liam, Robin trying to get him off, Vance looking shocked, and Billy was watching with Tyler. "Bruce what the fuck!" I yelled going over to Liam, Robin had finally gotten Bruce off of him. "Don't kiss my fucking boyfriend!" He yelled. Wait a minute he kissed Vance. "Fuck off golden boy, you're just mad because he doesn't wanna talk to you right now!" He yelled back as Vance went to Bruce and said something and they both walked off. The crowd started going back like nothing happened and I helped Liam up. "Griffen we're leaving are you coming??" Billy said. "Uh no I'ma help Liam out?" "Seriously?? Okay whatever. Bye Tyler." He said giving Tyler and hug than leaving.

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