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Vance's pov:

Griffen told me about some Liam guy that dm's him on insta, I don't know why but hearing that name made me want to fucking puke. I don't know why, and why the hell does his name sound so fucking familiar. "Dude shut up about the Liam guy." "Oh yeah sorry Vance I guess I have been ranting." "You think?? Well let's go I'm fucking starving, what do you wanna eat." I said driving past some buildings. "MacDonalds." "Okay." Griffen calmed down and started typing away on his phone. Now I was fucking curious, what the hell does this loser look like and why the fuck does the mention of his name make me so fucking irritated.

Griffen's pov:

I continued chatting with Liam, I found out he went to a neighboring school and was friends with Tyler. I didn't mind though he seems like he's not that close with him. After me and Vance had finally got our food and did some other shit we went home and I went straight to my room. I don't know why but Liam honestly seemed like a decent guy. 'hey wanna hang out?? I just rented this awesome movie.' I read his recent message. I mean I have nothing else to do,'Sure but don't be annoying or weird my brother is home.' I waited awhile before I got a response,'I wouldn't think to.' welp guess I have plans for today.

Some time later there was ringing at the front door and when I opened it there stood Liam in all his glory. "Yo what's up." He said smiling down at me. "Nothing much nice to finally meet you mister." "Mhm may I come in??" "Yeah." I said stepping to the side and closing the door after he enters. "So do you want any snacks??" "Nah I'm good, but uh do you have water??" "Yes I do here follow me." We walked into the kitchen just as Vance's room door opened. He had been taking a nap and he walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes not taking notice of Liam to he walked over to Vance and said something. Something so quiet I couldn't hear but than Vance reacted a kind of way. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE.!!" Vance had yelled holding his fist up ready to fight. What the actual fuck is happening.

Liam's pov:

We made our way to the kitchen and I heard a door open, probably his brother I thought. When we got the kitchen imagine my surprise when Vance fucking hopper walked in. So he's griffen's brother he never told me had a brother, this is interesting. I walked over to his knowing he had not acknowledged me while walking in. "Hey sweetheart." I said with the biggest smirk on my face. He had quickly looked up, eyes widened and then turning defensive as he rose both his fist in up in defense. "WHAT THE FUCK ATE YOU DOING HERE." "Just hanging out with Griffen, hey you never told me you have a brother when we were 'close'." I said leaning on the wall facing towards him back towards Griffen. At this point we were whispering well Vance was more shouting.

Dudes, I came home sore after school 😭😭😭😭😰😰😰 anyways have a good fay

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