Late Christmas special

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Third person's pov:

Tyler was walking him, but time he was half -way the sun was setting. He was so busy on his phone he hadn't noticed the black van pull up next to him.

Tyler's pov:

"Hey it's awfully cold outside, and it's getting pretty late don't you want a ride home??" I had looked up from my phone than turned to the side and saw an elderly man in a black van just right there. It was strange considering the road was completely empty. "Oh uh I'll be just fine walking." "No no, lemme give you a ride it's too cold." I heard a click initiating that he had unlocked the door. I wasn't sure if I should trust him. "Uhm okay than." I said opening the door, taking my seat than closing it. The second I entered the van he immediately locked the door. Just so I could get out faster I told him my address.

It had been about 5 mins, I noticed that we were going the wrong way. "Uhm you were actually supposed to take a left." I said. He eyes were focused on the road, he kept talking the steering wheel and a steady paste and didn't respond. I tried to unlock the door but he grabbed my arm. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He said in a strict matter.

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