What the actual fuck.

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Vance's pov:

I got up groggily, more like slid out of bed and rubbed my eyes while sitting on the ground. I had snuck in yesterday because I stayed out late at Bruce's house. I hope Griffen was okay, see I was adopted by his parents when I was 7, because my momma couldn't provide enough for me and my bastard of a dad left so here I was. I got up and went to go pick out my outfit for school. I put my hair into a ponytail to keep it out of the way making sure not to mess up my precious curls.
After I got dressed I got my toothbrush and tooth paste and headed to griffen's room,"HEY DWEEB GET UP OR YOU'RE NOT GETTING A RIDE." I yelled I heard some shuffling before he opened the door. "Okay okay I'm up.." he said while yawning,"Okay you have 30 mins then we're leaving." I said than walked off to brush my teeth. After I finished I put my shoes on and saw that Griffen was already done, so I grabbed my keys and we walked out to my beauty. Billy's house was the first one we were stopping at since he lived closer than the rest but when we got their we saw Tyler sitting on Billys porch while on his phone. When Billy came out he had a hoodie on, which made no sense because it's 80 something degrees outside. I was beyond furious I looked at Griffen who was in the back and he just stared at them looking completely heart broken. They walked up to the car,"Hey Tyler needed a ride is it cool if he rides with us??" I scowled,"Hell no." "Why not man?" "Because hell no I don't want germs in the car." "C'mon stop being stubborn." "FUCKING FINE BUT IF HE SAYS ANYTHING TO GRIFFEN THAT EVEN SLIGHTLY MAKES HIM SAD OR PISSED IM BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM." "Okay he won't." He hoped into the back Tyler following behind and we drive off to pick up everyone else. They all gave a look when they saw Tyler in the back with Billy and Griffen and I just gave them a look.

Billy's pov 30 mins before getting picked up:

I was getting dressed when I heard a sudden knocking at the door there's no way Vance and Griffen are already here. I went to open the door and saw Tyler,"Hey Billy" he said with a smile, "Oh hey Tyler what are you doing here, oh well I saw that you lived in my neighborhood and thought we could walk together." He said,"Ohh well sorry I'm actually getting pick up by Vance and Griffen." I said he started looking sad and I didn't like it so I just said,"Here come inside I can see if Vance will give you a ride." He started looking more happy and came in,"Really thank you so much!" He said and gave me a hug as I closed the door. We had hung out for a bit watching some TV and stuff he was leaned on against me and holding my hand. I really didn't mind, but tha  Griffen texted me saying they were on the way,"Hey I'ma grab my backpack do you mind waiting outside for me??" "Oh sure."

Billy's pov at school:

When we got out the car I was carrying Griffen on my back. "Hey Griff?" "Yeah??" "Love you" I looked at him and he smiled,"I love you to!" He got off my back and kissed me. We stood there smiling at eachother but Tyler came and grabbed my hand, "Can you walk me to class?" He said sorta tugging on me. I looked over at Griffen and he had a sorta annoyed look on his face. "Sorry ty but I'm walking Griffen to class but uh I'll see you later ig." "Oh okay see you at lunch!" He said he gave me a kiss on the cheek before running off. "What the actual fuck." I heard Vance say, Well shit I'm in trouble big time.
My grades are going up so I might get my electric guitar on Christmas

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