Liam and Jack

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Liam's pov:

Billy fucking Showalter walked into the house, why the fuck was he here Tyler said he wasn't coming. So what the fuck, I watched him walk to the kitchen couple minutes later Taylor came to Tyler who I was still dancing with,"Tyler, your best friend is in the kitchen." She said a neutral face on. I saw Tyler start widely smiling than look at me,"Sorry Liam but I'll be right back." He said walking off as fast as he talked.
At this point I was fucking livid and decided to get a drink, Just than jack walked over to me,"Hey you know your boyfriend is getting close with my friend Billy right?" "Yeah I do dipshit he literally just ditched me for the dickhead." I said now chugging my drink. "I think you should mess around with Billy just like he's doing with you." Jack said clearly stoned but I went with it. "Yeah how??" "Mess around with his boyfriend, Griffen stagg there sorta on bad terms right now, get a photoshopped or real picture of Billy and Tyler doing something and show it to Griffen?" "You know what... That is the smartest thing you ever said. Thank you Jack?" "No problem Liam and mom said don't come home late." He said finally walking off, well more like leaving but anywho. I pulled out my phone went to Billys Instagram and started going through his post than finally found it, Griffen's Instagram I quickly followed him and sent a quick message before  also leaving the party I didn't have time for.

Billy's pov:

It was the next day, I had woken up in Tyler's bed. Tyler was sleeping right next to me, I started getting up while successfully not waking him up and I grabbed my phone. I saw a couple of messages from Griffen' but before I could even check my phone died. What a great way to start a fucking Monday. It was infact a school day and 2 hours of it already passed. I decided to rush home and change quickly than I walked. By time I got there is was passing period for 3rd and Griffen following behind Finney, Bruce, Robin, and Vance were storming towards me. What the shit did I fucking do now. "Billy fucking Showalter where the hell were you and why weren't you picking up your phone." "Okay Griff, firstly chill out, secondly I was passed out at Tyler's, thirdly my phone died when I was about to open your message." I said calmly. "You stayed the night at Tyler's??" Finney said. "Unintentionally yes, I got a bit drunk and passed-" "YOU FUCKING DRANK." I quickly covered Bruce's mouth. "Yes, yes I did now lower your voice I don't have time for school security." I looked back over at Griffen. "But I'm here now so can you guys chill." They just shook their heads and I removed my hands from Bruce's mouth.

Griffen's pov:

It was lunch me and Billy decided to go outside for lunch to have alone time. So there we were he held me around my waist while I leaned my back on his chest and I scrolled through Instagram. Him talking about my day, I look and saw I had an unread message and decided to look, it was some guy named Liam, decided to friend him back and see what he said. 'Hey you're Griffen stagg right?? Well I'm Liam I think you're kinda cute wanna get to know eachother'. My mind went blank, someone other than Billy found me somewhat attractive??? That's oddly weird, but hey who am I to judge. I made a quick reply,'Uh thanks and sure time and place.' I sent it than closed out of Instagram.

Step on me is my current favorite song🤍🤍 if you wanna know by who I'll tell y'all. AND I OFFICIALLY HAVE MY PHONE BACK.

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