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Billy's pov:

I walked into the bathroom Tyler trailing behind and we went into a stall. "He's bitchy for that." "Don't say that Tyler, I am in the wrong for hanging out with you.." "What do you don't wanna be friends anymore?." "It's not that, it's just Griffen and you have beef and I'm his boyfriend." There was silence. "Oh yeah.." "I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out rude." "Oh no it's fine your under a lot of stress plus I get it from griffen's point of view I would hate for my boyfriend to hangout with my enemy." I looked over at him. "Yeah but isn't it sorta past tense now you guys haven't even been social with eachother." I said sitting on the floor looking for my stash of weed. "I guess.. also it's in your back pocket.. your weed." He said taking a seat next to me. I checked my back pocket and he was right, he had layed his head on my shoulder while I got my shit ready. "Got a lighter??" I asked he hummed in response and looked through his backpack, found one and handed it to me. "Thanks." I said trying to light it, just as we heard some people walking in I stood up and locked the stall we were in and sat back down next to him. "How long do you think they're gonna argue for???" "I don't know but that's their business Finn, we can't do anything but give advice and hope it helps." Finney and Robin?? They're probably talking about me and Griffen. Honestly some advice would be nice right now.

Tyler's pov: cheer and basketball practice

The cheerleaders and basketball players were on break right now. Me and Billy were texting back and forth until he came up to me. "Hey you wanna leave early? My coach is kinda mad at me for not participating a lot." "Yeah sure lemme grab my bag." I said smiling. After awhile we were walking hand in hand. Billy on his phone, I had taken Billy's jacket previously before the practice because it was cute so I had it on. To the outside eyes you would think we're dating, but we're friends and I'm glad we are. "Hey do you wanna come over?" "Yeah sure, will your parents mind?" "Nah my dad is probably asleep, and my mom is most likely at work." "Oh okay." When we got to Billy's house he was right, his dad was passed out on the couch a couple of beers on the table, his dad was sleep next to the couch a ND his mom was no where to be seen. I watched and Billy carefully took off his shoes and went to the living room to clean the mess. I stood in the door way and locked the door for him. He slightly shook his dad,"Papa I have company over." He said in a whispered tone. "Mmm.... Okay tell your friend to not make any loud noise I have a headache." "Okay love you.." "love you too kid." His old man shuffled a bit and Billy put a blanket over him and motioned for me to follow him and we went to what I assume was his room. It was neat a couple pictures on the wall mainly of him and Griffen. Other of his dad, dog, and what I assumed to be his mother. Right Next to them was a huge photo of him and his friends. Next to his bed was a semi- neat desk with books and art supplies."Hey uh do you want anything to drink, also excuse the mess.." he said sorta embarrassed."Oh no it's fine also I love your room it seems cozy." I said a smile spread on my face. "Oh thank you.. no one has ever been in here." "Not even Griffen??" "No.. I don't think he'd like it, it's nothing compared to his room." "Hm well I feel special than, I'm officially the first person to step foot in the Billy showalter's room." I said and took a seat on his bed." "Do you eanns watch a movie?" "Only if we can watch corpse bride." "I swear you're like an addict?" "You actually are one so who actually has an addiction??" I said, and we began to laugh about it. Billy is kind and tough, but also has a breaking point.

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