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No one's pov:

Billy has had many friendships throughout his years, first marshall jacobs, than he moved so they lost touch, than his dog, his dog continues to stay his favorite friend, Maggie was her name and man did he live her, it was a gift from his dad. Than Vance, as you could see their not much in touch right now, than his basketball team mates those guys were like family, than the gang was formed but right now it's falling apart. And than there was Tyler, he trusted Tyler, he started becoming close with him little by little they're getting there. So here they were still sleeping in bed next to one another.

Billy's pov:.

I woke up to the TV still on, I looked to my left and Tyler was asleep still. I nudged him,"Hey ty.. I'm heading to work I'll be back in half an hour.." "Okay bye Billy.." he said turning over and bringing the blanket over his head.
"Fucking loser." I said getting up but felt something hit my head. "I HEARD THAT." "Oh suck my dick." I said getting dressed in whatever I could find. "Whatever I'm getting up now, also I'ma borrow some clothes." "Yeah no shit what else are you gonna wear a towel out? Like hell." "Awe you care about me." "Nah I just don't want you getting kidnapped dude." Tyler smiled and got up walking over to my closet. "I don't have much in there you could check the drawers." I said putting on some socks. "Nah it's fine I have shorts on so I'll just take a sweater." "Okay." I said sitting on my bed and looking at my phone, 'message from Griff❤️' it read. I opened my phone and looked at the message. 'Hey, I'm not mad anymore and I'm sorry for going off. It just bothered me that you were hanging out with Tyler, if you want we can hang out tonight at my house my parents went away for business and Vance is staying at Bruce's house<3' I smiled. I'm really glad he isn't mad anymore, Tonight I'll make it up to him. I texted back a quick 'okay, I'd like that❤️'. I said, Tyler came over to me and hugged me while sitting on my lap. "Hey if you're still tired we don't have to go out, by the way I'm leaving at 7 so you might wanna leave around 6:30." "Ooohhh you got plans?" "Yeah me and Griffen are gonna hang out." I said smiling. "Hm okay, well since it's like 1:50 let's get some milkshakes." He said getting up. "I have no complaints as long as they have chocolate." "Ew hell no, strawberry is better." He said giving a nasty look. "If you ever say that again we're no longer friends dude." I said looking even more disgusted than him. "YEAH YEAH WHATEVER. Now c'mon."

Tyler's pov:

We were at one of the best ice cream and milkshake places in town. I sat down at a booth and Billy went to go order for us. I decided to play on his phone and take a couple of pictures. I mean it was the most harmless thing I'm doing. He came back with our drinks and he took his phone, "Hey I was playing on that." "Yeah well it's my phone so better luck next time." "Whateverrrr." I said smiling at him. But than of course that shit was ruined when someone approached our table. My boyfriend Liam, he went to a different highschool and I've sorta been ignoring him. I don't have feelings for him, but I was feeling nice the day he asked me out and didn't want to be rude. "Uh hey babe... And uh??" He said looking over at Billy. "Billy, Billy showalter, you're Liam right?? Star basketball player from starfield high??(random highschool)" "Yeah that me, you're the star player at Denver high right??" "Yep!" He said. "Uh I'll leave you 2 alone you seem like you have something to talk about." Billy said getting up and leaving. Shit. Liam sat down staring daggers at me,"So what are you doing with him here..?" "Just hanging out me and him are friends." I said messing with my milkshake. "Hm yeah, so your insta stories with you guys holding hands and shit are just friendly." Damn I forgot I had him on my private story. "Yeah it is, chill out he has a boyfriend anyways." "Yeah I know, Griffen stagg right?? Denvor highs most  likely to die alone??" "Yep." "Ah okay... Well I'm leaving, don't think about doing any sly shit." He said getting up and leaving.

A little bit later on.

Billy pov:

Me and Griffen had apologized to eachother, we were finally at peace. We were half way through a movie when he got a call from robin. He answered and Robin was saying something about checking in on Finney. And looked over at me apologetically. "It's fine Griff I'll go hangout with Tyler, Finney is our friend go check on him." I said getting up and grabbing my things. He visibly tensed at my words but got a hold of himself to finish his conversation with Robin before hanging up and putting in shoes. I decided to walk with him to Finney's house. "So what exactly are you and Tyler.. you guys have been getting close." "Friends, were just friends.." I said in a monotone voice. "Ah is that why you've been spending so much time together. You even let him go to your house." "I- uh- ..." "No no it's fine I just want to know how come I never go to your house." I sighed at his words. "It's just.. you're use to big houses I'm not sure how you'd feel about being in a.. small well not small more like cozy house.." "Billy.. I'd be just fine as long as your there with me." At those words we had finally made it to Finney's house Bruce's car right outside. "Oh yeah well I'll see you tomorrow okay??" I said looking at him. "Yeah of course." He said with a smile and gave me a kiss on the cheek than entering the house.

On my way to Tyler's house I remembered that he said he was gonna have a party around this time. Well isn't that great, I had finally arrived to a total mess. People outside, some on the roof, I could hear people in his pool at the back, when I entered there he was in the middle of his living room dancing with that guy Liam. I went to the kitchen where I saw some of my smoking buddies and my fellow teammates. Taylor, Tyler's twin came to me,"Nice of you to join us Billy What got bored of your boyfriend??" "No, nice joke though something just came up and I remembered Tyler was having a party." She chuckled,"Ah okay well enjoy the party I'll let Tyler know you're here." She said giving a smirk before heading towards the living room. My friend had handed me some pot and I joined them. Than Tyler came,"Hmm smoking without me house rude Mr. Showalter." He said grabbing my hand,"Sorry fellas but I'll have to borrow your buddy here." "Oh booo do you have favorites you always hang out with him." One ky if teammates said making the rest laugh. "Why yes I do and none of you qualify as one so cry about it." He said dragging me to his room. I layed in his bed, "So why'd you leave so early, Griffen been a bitch??" He said getting on top of me taking the pot and taking a drag. "No something came up with Finney and Bruce I didn't mind." "Well I would've that's so rude you guys haven't talked in like what a week?" He said exhaling than planting kisses on my face. "Yeah well it's fine." "Is it though you seem tired, here how about this hand me your  phone." I gave him a look before handing it to him. He opened my Instagram got and started taking pictures of the both of us while still on top of me. Than got off and played next to me and told me to pose for a selfie. Being tired I just wrapped my arms around his waist and layed my head on his shoulder. Afterwards he did some shuffling and he put my phone down. I assumed he posted them. "There now all is done. Now sweet boy let's go enjoy the party and get your mind off of things okay??" "Yeah okay.." he gave me one last final kiss on my lips and we got up and went back to the party.

This is gonna be the only chapter I post for a while I'm still grounded I just stole my phone since my mom's at work. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a lovely day 🤍🤍❤️❤️

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