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Billy's pov:

I woke up heading a TV on, I opened my eyes and it took me a second to adjust to the lighting. After I adjusted I said up and saw Tyler laying next to me watching one piece. "Morning sleepy head." He said. "Yeah good morning.." I said rubbing my eyes. "Do you want any breakfast?? My mom made pancakes she already left for work though." "Yeah sure, I'll get up for it in a second tho." I said laying back down but this time hugging him. About 3 hours later, that's when Billy left and went home. "DAD IM HOME!!" I yelled as I entered and my dog came to me. "Hey boy.." I said smiling and petting her. Her name is Susan after my mom. I walked to the living room and saw my dad passed out with a beer in his hand. I walked over to him and took it slowly making sure not to wake him up and I threw it away. I tidied up and took a shower. Jesus fucking Christ I need to get my life together I thought as I washed my hair.

When I finally got out I had a towel around my waist and I layed in my bed. When I got a call I checked the caller ID and it was Griff, shit. I answered hoping he forgot,"uh hello?-" "BILLY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK." I winced and backed the phone away from my ear. "Griffen fucking chill why are you so mad." I said trying to play dumb. "IDK MAYBE BECAUSE ONE WE HAD PLANS YESTERDAY AND TWO YOU DITCHED ME FOR MY FUCKING EX BEST FRIEND." "Would you chill out, I simply just forgot and we wrre just hanging out nothing went on." I said lighting a cigarette, I'm starting to feel fucking stressed and developing a migraine. "That still doesn't mean shit, you still fucking ditched me, Vance and Bruce said they saw you two at the arcade..." "WHAT AM I NOT ALLOWED AT THE FUCKING ARCADE WITH MY FRIEND." "NO NOT IF ITS WITH SOMEONE WHO FUCKING LIKES YOU." "YOU'RE BEING FUCKING -" I heard a crash from the living room and some yelling. Shit dad's probably awake and mom's probably home. "I'll fucking call you later." I said. "No don't fucking call me for the rest of them day." He hung up. Shit I heard the yelling getting louder so I got up and ran to my door to lock it. Than there was banging on,"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR-"


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