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Vance's pov:

I noticed Griffen staring and lowered my voice so he couldn't hear. "That's because I didn't feel like I had to." "Awe and why not?? We were so close, actually now that I think about it you never mentioned your family." "Just leave me the hell alone. And whatever you're up to leave Griffen out of it." He rolled his eyes,"Yeah whatever, don't forget always call me if you and 'Bruce yamada the golden boy' ever argue again." He said smiling than turning back and walking towards the countertop where Griffen was. Damn I have terrible taste, I went to the cabinet to go look for my hidden snacks. "Hey me and Liam are gonna watch a movie, wanna join us?" "No I'm good. And I want him gone in an hour... Bruce is coming over." I said grabbing my snacks and looking towards him. "Okay gotcha." He said hugging me than leading Liam to his room. Not before that bastard gave me a final smirk though.

It was an hour later and the doorbell was ringing, so I rushed to go open it. When I arrived to the door I saw griffen's door opened and saw that Liam was still here, but I opened the door anyways,"Hey I brought you favorite!" Bruce said with a wide grin holding up kitkats. Me and him do this thing where he tries to guess my favorite candy. When he finally get it right he'll stay the night. "Wrong again but lucky for you they're my second favorite." I said giving his a giant hug. He entered the house with my arms still around him refusing to let go and he closed and locked the door. When I had finally let go I heard a creek and saw Liam and Griffen exiting his room. Liam took sight of us and had a slightly disgusted face. I hadn't realized Bruce had gotten closer until he whispered to me,"Griffen has company??" I looked at his slightly confused face and whispered back,"Yeah some random extra I don't know let's go to my room." Before we could even act on my words Griffen came and hugged Bruce. "BRUCE!!!" "Hey Griffen." He said patting his head. Liam walked towards us,"So this is the famous Bruce everyone talks about, hey I'm Liam." "Uh cool nice to meet you dude." Bruce said holding his hand out to give a friendly handshake. Which was ignored by Liam, who was taking out a cigarette. "Hey dumbass he's trying to be polite." "It's cool Vance maybe he's just not a handshaking kind of guy." "Yeah well I'm leaving bye Griffen." He said heading out the door. "Do you guys know eachother??" Griffen said looking at me.  "The hell, no." "You sure you acted a sort of way when you saw him earlier." "I mistook him for someone else, Bruce let's go to my room now." "You're making excuses Vance." "Shut the hell up and mind your own fucking business, whether I know him or not is none of your concern. I'm going to my room now." I said agitated, Griffen looked shocked and Bruce looked confused as shit. But I sped walked to my room and slammed the door. Nosey ass fucking kid.

Bruce's pov:

What the hell just happened, one minute I'm hugging Vance the next he's being interrogated by Griffen than he slams his room door. And why would he like about knowing the guy Griffen was with. I wonder if Robin knows, I'm  just gonna mind my buisness. Although griffen and Vance have never argued over something so dumb before.

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