Loving(-ish) ex

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Vance's pov:

Was I just sitting on the stairs by the door and watch everything just happen? Yes. Did I help? No. Why?? Because they have their issues I have mine. After Billy and Griffen walked away from the front I got up and left. I had planned to go back to Bruce's house. I only left bc I overheard his parents saying they didn't want me over there the entire week. They're still coming to terms that me and him are dating. Guess they didn't expect their perfect son to be gay or some shit.
Jeez how long have a been walking for? It feels like forever and I'm only half-way there. "Vance!! Wait up!!" I heard someone say from behind me. Before I could even turn around the fucker picked me up. "THIS IS FUCKING ASSAULT." I yelled while struggling. "Uh-huh so where you heading Vancey." Just from that nickname I don't have to guess who this fucker is. "I'm heading to a place where you could loose your fucking life so out me down Liam." He did comply to what I said and put me down. "So you're heading to the all mighty golden boy Bruce's house?" "Yes I am heading to my boyfriend's house, you know has a big pit bull and a big ol' bat." I heard a small hum from him. "I thought you said you'd stop harassing me." "Yeah but now life is so boring and shit." "Oh so you'd rather keep messing with me." There was a small pause for a moment before he answered. "Yeah basically." He said grinning at me.

Liam's pov:

I spoke with Vance the rest of the way to Bruce's house. I don't know why I'm still walking with him if I know Bruce would rock my shit. Vance took out his phone and connected it to his airpods putting one it and turning on 'girls on film by Duran Duran' nice to know his style in music never changed. I didn't realize but he had stopped walking I looked up and saw we were at a big house, at least 2 stories most likely has 4-5 bedrooms. "I'm guessing this is your stop??" I said glancing at him. "Yeah, we'll see you around I guess." He said about to walk ahead. "Hey hold up." I said, he was about to look over at me but we both ended up turning our heads to the front door we just heard open. There we saw Bruce yamada in all his glory holding his baseball bat. "CALM DOWN YAMADA JUST SAYING BYE." I yelled towards him stepping towards Vance giving him a small kiss on his head. "Cya Vance, and you know my number if you ever wanna ditch your boy toy." I said loud enough for Bruce to heard and running off not before see Bruce's agitated face, and Vance's shocked but mad expression.

Girls on film is definitely a recommended song for you guys :) have a great day. Christmas special coming soon 😘@mention a user

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