We hate Liam

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Bruce's pov:

We were currently at this Liam guy's party, Vance wanted to leave. Liam gave me a weird vibe,  Griffen was enjoy his time Billy was also annoyed and went to go smoke somewhere. Finney and Robin were in there little space looking around. I decided to go grab a drink, while I was walking to the table with all the snacks and drinks I heard some of Vance's buddies who I assumed were talking to him,"Why don't you guys just get back together, you're so much more badass when your dating him. While your dating Bruce you're kinda a major pussy man." One of them said. "Shut the hell up dipshits before I knock your damn teeth in. We don't fucking talk about him and we sure as hell don't compare him to Bruce so get off my back about it." I wanted to get closer to know exactly who they're talking about. "Than how come you came to this party, you know he still has a hold on you." "SHUT THE HELL UP. YOU GUYS ARE PISSING ME THE FUCK OFF."  I quickly moved away from where I was but kept my eye near and saw Vance storming away.

Vance's pov:

Why the hell are they on my back about Liam. I'm ready to fucking leave now, I was storming off to go find the others when I saw Liam talking to Robin and Finney who looked agitated with him. Looked by the drink table and saw a semi confused Bruce, than kept looking around and saw Tyler sticking on to Billy like glue. Than Griffen, I walked towards him when I realized he was talking to Liam's mates. Oh what a fucking great night for me. I reached him and grabbed his arm. "C'mon Griffen it's time to go." I was avoiding eye contact and was about to walk away when their dumbasses recognized me. "Oh my gosh Vance it's so nice to see you again!" Lily if I remember her name right said. "Oh shit man what are you doing here and how you know Griffen." "I'm here for the party, griffen's my brother and we're leaving good bye." I said turning around and bumping into someone. I swear to God I'm about to punch everyone in my line of sight. "Leaving so soon?? You haven't even had a drink yet." Liam said staring me down. "Move out the fucking way dude." "C'mon Vance don't be like that, we could catch up." That's it. I swung a punch catching everyone's attention in the room. "I said to move out of my fucking way you dipshit." I said he had a fucking smirk on his face. WHY THE FUCK IS HE SMIRKING, IS HE MOCKING ME. "Awe last time we ever spoke you would never punch me." Shit now everyone's staring.. "BRUCE, GRIFFEN, BILLY, ROBIN, AND FINNEY OUTSIDE NOW OR YOU FUCKERS ARENT GETTING A RIDE." I said storming out.

The first 5 MINS of the drive was awkwardly silent. Until Finney spoke,"Let me be the first to say that I fucking hate Liam." After that comment everyone but Griffen in the car said some words of agreement. I stayed quiet though. We almost got into a crash when I heard Robin speak though,"So Vance.. do you and Liam know eachother???."

Have my phone take away again guys❤️❤️ so enjoy this chapter

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