Chapter 1 - Meeting

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For people who skipped - DO NOT SHIP ANY OF THESE FOUR CHARACTERS!! LIAM AND LOGAN ARE BROTHERS!! LIAM IS GAY, JULES IS LESBIAN, LOGAN IS BI/ASEXUAL AND HAS A GIRLFRIEND AND EMMA IS UNLABELED BECAUSE SHE IS 6 AND WAS NEVER TAUGHT WHAT ANY OF THAT MEANT!! I also just want to make it clear that I'm not say that Emma is too young to know what it mean I'm saying that her parents sheltered her and she doesn't know what any of that means which is why I'm not putting a label on her sexuality since she will never date anyone or have a crush on anyone in this series.

Sorry if that came off as mean, I just know how people on wattpad can get so I'm saying this now. I will be putting trigger warnings if there are any. The main thing you need to know is there will be cussing no matter what. I will also be putting a trigger warning before and after so people are prepared. Thank you and enjoy.

Trigger warning - mentions of abuse

Jules, Liam and Logan stood outside of their tiny 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment in the state of New York. They just moved here from a small town in Iowa, and aren't ready for the big city life ahead of them. One thing is for certain that since they moved strange things have been happening to all three of them. Jules is convinced that their place is haunted because they keep seeing a child that is missing part of her arm and leg. Liam not so much.

All three know about ghosts and how they exist in the living world. Jules knows most of the three friends. Each had a messed up childhood with horrible parents, and went through enough trauma to last them a lifetime. One thing is for certain, everything has changed.

"No, not happening," Jules answered, putting a box down to readjust their phone, "We are already here and unpacking, while you are just taking up my time by deciding to call me. What do you need anyway? Normally it's just a rude text once a month."

"We miss you sweetie," Their mom answers, with a fake sweet tone, "We miss our beautiful little girl."

"Mary, I'm 20 and I told you I don't like the term 'girl'"

"I will NEVER use they/them on you. Those don't exist. It's because of Liam and Logan huh?" Pause, "I can't believe we lost our daughter Brad."

"Goodbye Mary, never call this number again because you and Brad will be blocked. Have a GREAT life." Jules finishes, ending the call and looking at Liam.

"I hate your parents with every bone in my body." Liam says, putting a box down and looking at the person in front of them.

"Same honestly, like who abuses their kid and says that they're a quote on quote 'parent'. Ha, pathetic"

Jules and Liam lock eyes for a few seconds then turn around. Sitting on their tiny couch was a little girl around the age of 6. She was missing part of her right arm *elbow down* and her left leg *knee down* with blood dripping down the side of her face.

"Oh! You can see me now! My name is Emma and I have been with you since you were in high school. I'm so glad you can finally see me. It gets lonely," Emma pauses, "Can both of you see me?"

Emma gets up from her spot and goes over to Liam, he looks down at the little girl in front of him that looks like she had a pain and brutal death. "How did you die?" Liam asks.

"No clue, but I remember it was in the forest late at night." She answers, skipping around their tiny apartment.

That day both Jules and Liam learned something. They have no clue how they didn't realize sooner but they do know that they are mediums. Mediums can both see and talk to ghosts. They finally got everything packed and ready in their apartment but it's weird to all three of them knowing a little dead girl can pop up in the middle of nowhere. They do know that this problem isn't just going to go away like all of their others unless they do something about it. Which neither friend is ready to do.

~ End Of Chapter ~

Word count ~ 804

A/N - I will try to write longer chapters but I was having a bit of a writers block. I will most likely think of something before Wednesday and if not then I'm sorry for this short chapter. Have a good day/evening/night!

Edit - realized I changed the parents names from Frank and Aliva to Brad and Mary. Hope it makes since now!

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