Chapter 25 - Mom?

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POV ~ Jules *There will be slight deadnaming and misgendering in this chapter*

"Jules. What the fuck?" Kyle asks sleepily, looking at his older sibling who just woke him up.

"You have to come see this." Jules says seriously, grabbing Kyle and pulling him towards their computer.

"It's just an unedited video, why the fuck do I need to see this?"

"Look closely, who is that in the bottom right corner?"

"That's mom?"


"Holy fuck is that mom!?" Kyle yells, looking closer.

"Yeah. Something is pretending to be mom and I'm not sure why. This could have been a one time thing but if this thing is still on the loose then we need to stop it."

"How would we stop a supernatural being though?"

"That's the thing, this might be connected to the strange murders that have been happening, and, another one popped up last night."

"What are you saying?"

"Someone in our group might be the next victim. I've been searching more about supernatural beings on Earth and it seems that there are surprisingly a lot. I found one that is very close to what has been happening with the recent murders, and one that might be tied with Emma's murder."

"Please don't tell me what I think you're going to tell me."

"I think we might need to go back to our home town. This thing isn't a doppelganger, those stop once the real person is dead. We filmed this video a few hours after we found out mom passed. This specific thing takes the form of someone you love to lure you away and kill you."

"How do you know that? Doing simple research really wouldn't get you that much information."

"Exactly. It has happened to me before. Right after Mathew died, I saw him. I knew it wasn't a doppelganger so I was confused. After following it for a few blocks I realized that it was trying to lure me for something horrible, but I didn't care. I was a child and I saw my dead older brother. I manged to make it out alive, then, a few days after that encounter someone was murdered.

"For the longest time I thought that it was my fault. When I told mom about it, she cried for days, then, she told me that it wasn't my fault and I was lucky to be alive. I'm not sure if it's the same one but what I am certain of is that we might need to cancel our plans with the others, or, bring them down to our home state." Jules finishes, turning back around, that way they were facing Kyle.

"I vote for the second option!" Kyle says, standing up straighter.

"Then it's settled, I'll text them in the morning to see if they are okay with it."


"Time to go back to Iowa brother."


"Hey Seth!" Jules says, walking up to the older boy.

"Hey Jules. I actually can't wait to go back to Iowa. Are we going to the Villisca Axe Murder House?" Seth asks, hugging Jules.

"We are. Sorry for the sudden change of plans. Something came up and we had to go to Iowa. But Kyle, and Emma, wanted to hang out with you guys."

"And Emma? I didn't think that she liked me."

Jules chuckles, "She doesn't. But she loves Amanda. I actually think she likes Amanda more than she likes me."

"That's just sad." Amanda says, popping out of nowhere.

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