Christmas Special!

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"Jules come on. Kyle is on his way," Logan says, banging on the bathroom door, "I also have to pee so hurry the fuck up."

"One moment!" Jules muffled voice yells through the door.


"God fine, I'm done, I'm done." Jules says, opening the door.

"Thank you." Logan answers, rolling is eyes while shutting the door.

"Drama queen." Jules mutters.

"Hey glad to see that you aren't dead." Liam laughs from the kitchen.

"Fuck you. Any news on when Kyle gets here?"

"No. Not yet anyway. I'll tell you if I hear anything."

Knock, knock, knock

"Speak of the devil." Jules says, going over to the door.

"My favorite sister in the whole wide world!" Kyle yells, throwing his hands around Jules.

"Hey bro. Hows life with mother, father and their evil spawns." Jules chuckles, opening the door all the way.

"Getting there, they don't acknowledge me so that's better than before."

"Yeah, still not good though."

"Hey little Bowman." Liam says, turning around to the two siblings.

"Hey Liam, wheres Logan?"

"In the bathroom ACTING LIKE A DRAMA QUEEN!" Jules yells.


"Anyway, are you staying with us after Christmas?"

"Yes, thank you so much for offering that. I can not stay another night in that house. I kind of just told them that I'm moving in with you and their exact response was 'I could care less bitch'"

"Well you are always welcomed with us. Liam and Logan don't care. Right?"

"Right. We would love to have you here little Bowman. Logan is going through something right now so don't mind him."

"Don't even start. I was having a good morning. Don't ruin it."

"Don't mind him, he's just a bit crabby."

"You know, if someone you loved died you would be crabby to"

"I'm sorry. I hope you're doing okay."

"I'm fine thanks."


"Did I do something wrong?"

"No it's not you don't worry. He's just in a bad mood and we expected it. Don't think it's your fault."



"Tree is set, now what my amazing friends?" Jules asks, looking at the amazing tree that they finally finished.

"We can go and get presents. There is a few things that I need to get still." Kyle answers, already putting on his shoes.

"What do you need to get? I thought you brought your gifts with you."

"I did. The ones that aren't broken anyway."

"They didn't."

"They did."

"Kyle I'm so sorry. I was suppose to protect you and I'm not doing a very good job." Jules says, bringing Kyle into a hug.

"It's not your fault. I'm out now so it's okay. I'm way better and so are you. That's all that matters."

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