Chapter 27 - Ghosts (Kyle)

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TW - Mentions/hinting at SA 

POV ~ Kyle

Seeing an outline of a ghost when you're in an insane asylum isn't a great way to start out an adventure. Not knowing if it's Emma or an actual mean evil spirit, makes it even worse. This was going through Kyle's head while he was running down a long hallway after an encounter with an outline of a ghost.

How he even got here? Who knows. But he's here now, and is running for his fucking life.

~ Few hours earlier ~

"Alright, are we ready to go?" Seth asks after talking to Amanda and Jules.

"Yep. What could possibly go wrong?" Sam asks, chuckling a little.

Kyle and Logan lock eyes for a few seconds. They both know that everytime someone says that, everything that can go wrong, goes wrong.

'Yeah.' Kyle thought, looking around, 'what could possibly go fucking wrong.' *Well everything, everything went fucking wrong*

"Hop in. This is going to be so much fun." Seth says, getting in his car, "I know how Jules and Liam act on adventures like this so I can't wait to see how you two act."

"I'm sure you fucking can." Logan whispers so only Kyle and hear it.

One last look behind him, Kyle already knows that there's no turning back now and that Sam, Colby, and Seth are going to find out the true reason why these two never go on adventures anymore.

Bad luck follows, and having two out of the four people that have horrible luck when it comes to to ghost hunting. Anything is bound to happen.


"We're here." Logan says, slapping Kyle.

"Huh?" Kyle asks, already feeling his energy draining.

"You good?"

"No. I don't think I'm going to make it very far in this place without collapsing. I can already feel my energy going bye-bye and we haven't even stepped foot into the asylum."

"Stay close to me. We got this. They won't find out why we don't go to these kinds of places anymore."

"You say that now but I bet you $20 by the end of this trip that they'll find out."

Logan takes a step back, holding out his hand for Kyle to shake, "Deal."

Kyle looks at it for a few seconds before shaking Logan's hand, "Just so you know, I don't have $20 on me. So if I lose, you'll have to wait."

"As long as I get the $20, I could care less."

"Are you ready guys?" Sam asks, slinging his arms around Logan and Kyle.


"This place is terrifying." Colby says, handing out flashlights to everyone then turning his on.

"Do we split up?" Sam asks.

"I'm going with Logan!" Seth yells, grabbing Logan's arm.

"I can go by myself if you want to go with Colby." Kyle offers. Although he doesn't really go by himself, at least this way no one will find out.

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