Chapter 7 - Sallie

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4 months later


"Hold on." Jules answers, holding on to their notebook, I just need something more, something is missing.

Jules is sitting on their bed, looking at the photos so far. Nothing, nothing makes sense. It's just so confusing , why would anyone want to kill a little girl. She knew nothing sense she was just a child. 6 years old, actually.

"Jules please. Listen to them." Emma pleaded, trying to pull Jules's eyes away from the screen.

"One more minute Em. You asked me to find answers 4 months ago and I have found nothing."

"But your friends are worried, you haven't made a single video with them in over a month."

"Okay Jule. Me and Logan are going to a haunted place, want to come with us?" Liam asks, trying one more time to get their friend away from the computer.

"No sorry! Maybe next time." Jules yells back, never pulling away from the computer.


"What's up guys and welcome back to another video. Today we are here in the forest that is known for Jersey Devil  *A/N - If you want to know more about it, look it up. It is very interesting.* Honestly guys, we have no plans for this one."  Liam starts, looking over to his brother.

"We are just trying to figure out if the Jersey Devil is real or not." Logan finishes, nodding to the eldest.

"Let's get into it."


"Now we already set up off camera," Liam starts, holding the camera and walking down a dirt path, "So you guys don't have to watch us do any of that boring stuff. We didn't set any food or equipment out, just our tents."

"Now we know you guys love these kinds of videos so please, if you are new consider hitting that subscribe button and liking the video. It would mean a lot to us and it doesn't take that long. Plus, it's free, so you'll have nothing to lose if you subscribe." Logan says, walking in front of Liam.

As they were walking, Liam knew they were being followed. But not by the Jersey Devil something worse. Something more sickening and both knew it. By the end of the night, things were going to change. But not for the better.


"What happened to the equipment we set up before?" Logan asked, turning to the other brother.

"I'm not sure, I know I packed it though." Liam answered, looking up from their phone.

"You know what. Maybe your right. Maybe the crash was just a coincidence. Now that I'm thinking about it, nothing has happened in 4 months."

"That's not exactly true," Liam said, walking over and placing a hand on Logan, "Mom called."

"And you're just now telling me that?"

"It wasn't something bad, she just needed some money but I said no, so she came by the house."


"Don't worry, I handle it."

"By putting makeup over your eye?"

"If you noticed, why didn't you asked?"

"Thought it was personal and if it was something bad you would tell me. Guess I was wrong" Logan muttered, walking away from the conversation.

"It wasn't bad-"



"LIAM!! OH MY FUCKING GOD LIAM! ARE YOU OKAY?" Logan asks, running over to his brother, "Shit, shit, shit."

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Liam answered, looking up at his brother.

"God, what happened?

"I'm not sure, check my back, I got a shock of pain right up my spine."





"Hey bud, is everything okay, you've gone quiet."

"Remember when I said that the accident was just a coincidence?"


"Well this isn't."

When Liam looked at the photo, they couldn't believe their eyes. A single name was carved deep into Liam's back. Deep enough to scar. Sallie. It read. Sallie, as in the demon posing as a child Sallie. Sallie was pissed, and they both knew it. All three of the friends knew it but they didn't say anything.




"Hello?" Logan asks, still keeping a hand on his brother.

"Logan, I need help. Something has gone terribly wrong and I have fallen into a deep rabbit hole. You too need to get out of there." Jules answered from the other line, sounding more worried than ever.

"Trust me, we are. Liam just got the name Sallie carved into his back and all of our equipment keeps disappearing. What's happening over there?"

"Em told me something, something dangerous. She told me to run, that we'll never get rid of Sallie that she will always be with us. But here is the thing, I sent Emma with you guys. The ghost with me isn't Emma and I have no clue who it is."

~ End Of Chapter ~

A/N ~ Sorry it was a shorter one! They'll be longer I promise but I wanted it get an upload out for you guys since I feel bad for not having one out last week. But don't worry! From now on every Wednesday, there will be an upload! Love you all! Good night/morning/evening

Word Count ~ 850

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