Chapter 11 - Before the storm

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A/N ~ To be honest this is just a filler chapter. It's basically here so that there aren't two specials in a row. This chapter is mainly about Kyle and Logan getting closer and Logan finally fully opening up about how the night he lost Shelby changed him. Still, please read this though, will be a good idea for the New years special that I'm doing. Thanks!

"Where are you going?" Logan asks, looking at Kyle, "You need to realize that you'll never be able to sneak out of here like you used to."

"Why do you care?" Kyle scoffs.

"Because, if you're going to leave, just tell us. You don't need to sneak."

"Cool. Bye." Kyle says, opening the apartment door.

"Where are you going?"

"Out. I'm going to ask again, why do you care?"

"Because I want to make sure you're okay. I'm coming with you."



"No. End of discussion. I can take care of myself."

"I don't care. You're sixteen not a fucking adult. I'm coming with you."

"Fine." Kyle scoffs, walking out of the apartment with Logan following close behind. They walked in silence for a good ten minutes. They both actually had no clue where to go. Kyle just wanted to escape reality while Logan wanted to get out of the house.

"Do you even know where we're going?"

"No. I go on walks to escape reality."

"Oh, that's... nice. What does that tattoo mean?" Logan asks, pointing that the semicolon(;).

"It's personal. But if you really want to know, asks Jules. They have one as well."

"They do? I've never seen it before."

"That's because it's covered by the phoenix tattoo. They wanted to get it since it means the same for both of us but they didn't want it staring them in the face 24/7."

"So when we asked if they wanted to get matching phoenix tattoo it was the perfect way to
cover it up without completely getting rid of it."

"Wow, you're smarter then you look." Kyle chuckles.

"Ha ha. Very funny little Bowman. I missed you. You know that right?"

"Yeah I know. Don't worry. I missed you as well."

"You better." Logan chuckles, "Who wouldn't miss me?"


"There you guys are! Where did you go?" Jules asks, as soon as Logan and Kyle walked into the door.

"Went on a little walk." Kyle shrugged, taking his shoes off.

"Fun." Liam answers, never taking his eyes off the tv.

"Just so you know we've been invited to a New Years Eve party and we're all going."

"Why do I have to go!" Kyle asks, rolling his eyes and walking away.

"BECAUSE!" Jules yells back.

"This is an odd question But can I see the wrist that has the Phoenix tattoo?" Logan asks, sitting down next to Jules.

"Um sure."

Jules gives Logan their wrist. Not sure what is happening. As Logan and looking at the wrist he see's it. It's hidden but since he knew it was there, it wasn't that hard to find.

"If you don't mind me asking, and you can tell me to fuck off or go fuck myself, but what does this tattoo mean?"

"You mean the Phoenix tattoo? You already know idiot."

"No. The semicolon one."

"What?" Jules asks, wide eyed and pulling their wrist away.

"Sorry. Sorry. That was really insensitive of me. Want me to fuck off?"

"No. I just- how did you know? How did you find it? I hid it well."

"Kyle. I saw Kyle's and he said that if I wanted to know what it meant to ask you since you also have one but it's hidden."

"It's personal. I'm not ready to tell anyone, since it'll also out Kyle as well."

"Alright. So, who invited us to this party?" Logan asks, changing the subject.

"One of Sam's friends. Said that if we aren't doing anything we should go."

"That sounds fun. Are you finally going to get drunk?"

"No. Not with the childhood I had."

"You aren't going to be like your parents. You should know that by now."

"I do. But I'm not risking it. Never again."

"It's not your fault."

"Yes. It is." Jules finished, walking to their room.

"How are you doing about Shelby?" Liam asks, looking at Logan.

"Horrible. I still have nightmares about that night. God. I could have prevented it."

"She said that she was hearing your voice. Think it's a doppelgänger."

"I do. Thank god I didn't see it. But I think what killed her is same thing that killed Emma, or at least, close to it."

"How are you dealing with it?"

"Not very good. I feel like something is watching us. After that night, I feel... off."

"It'll be okay. Don't worry about it. We can investigate more in the New Year. Do more videos. Stupid shit, like we use to."

"I just want this feeling to be over with. I don't know what's wrong with me. How did we get here?"

"Our parents, that's how. None of this is our fault."

"If only Jules would go to the police, their parents could be put away for good."

"They won't do it. It's a trauma response. Their inner child wants to think that their parents can change. That they aren't bad people."


"We got this. Everything will be just fine."

~ End of Chapter ~

Word Count ~ 900

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