Chapter 8 - Sam and Colby

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"Wait, wait, wait, wait." Logan says, looking around the woods, "You sent Emma with us? Why?"

"You guys needed her more than I did. Especially because of where you guys went." Jules answers, sounding more worried than before.

"Hey bud I hate to ask you this, but do you see Emma?"

"Yeah, she's standing right above me trying to get a better look at the wound." Liam answers, looking up at his younger brother.

"Fuck, you guys need to fix this."

"No, something is fucking wrong. I think you were right Logan, Sallie is pissed at us."

"Maybe you guys need to apologize? You know, like a peace offering."

"Yeah we'll try that, just get home."


Looking on their computer Jules, Liam and Logan are looking for a good time to go back to the Sallie house, when all of the sudden they get an email. It was a funny looking email, it looked like a business email. Sam and Colby. It sounded familiar.


We wanted to know if  you would be interested in filming with us? We are going to the Sallie house in about 2 weeks and would like someone who knows a bit about the Sallie house to join. Also, you, Logan and Liam just seem like cool people to hang out with. Get back to us at any time.

Thanks, Sam and Colby.

"Well, looks like this is our ticket back to the Sallie house boys." Jules says, opening the email and replying that they're in.

"Ah, hell no. I am NOT going to be housed with y'all. Have fun though." Logan answers, adding that he will not be joining them into the email before Jules sends it.

"Fine, party pooper."

"I'm sorry I don't want to get hurt. If I know anything about ghosts, it's that if a ghost is pissed, apologize."

"Fine, not like we need you there anyway."

2 weeks later *at the Sallie house*

"Hey you must be Jules. I'm Colby nice to meet you!" Colby says, stepping out of the car and going over to the two friends.

"Yeah thanks for inviting us. Sorry Logan couldn't make it, he had another video idea." Jules answers, shaking Colby's hand.

"This is Sam as you already might know and we're surprised that you made it."

"Ah, well yeah, some crazy things have been happening lately."

"We're happy you made it," Sam says, also shaking Jules's hand, "And you must be Liam."

"The one and only." Liam answers, smiling from ear to ear.

"Sorry you guys have been our biggest inspiration to even thinking about starting a YouTube channel."

"That's sweet, we're glad. Have you two been here before?" Sam asks, looking up at the Sallie house.

"Yeah we have, about 7 months ago?"

"Yeah, 7 or 8. Not the best experience. Hopefully this one will be better."

"How come?" Colby asks, taking the attention away from the house.

"We went with two of the most immature people ever. Dylan and Kyle, not sure if you know them."

"Yeah. They asked to do a video with us, Colby happily declined."

"Good chose. Pissed off Sallie. If it wasn't for this ghost tormenting us ever since we left, we wouldn't be back here. We have some apologies to make. Not just with Sallie, but with the owners as well."

"Jeez. Well, we're happy to help. It must have been really bad for you to come back."

"The final straw for both of us was when I got Sallie carved into my back," Liam says, lifting up his shirt and showing them his back, "Fyi, it scarred."

"I would imagine." Sam answers, running his fingers over the name.

"But don't worry, we aren't like that. We will be able to-" Colby starts, getting cut off by one of the owners.

"I'm surprised to see you two back here," The manager of the Sallie house says, stepping out of the door, "Thought Sallie drove you two out. Same with the other two assholes. Although, I actually enjoyed you two. You two were nice, and tried to tell them to shut up."

"Mary Jane. It's good to see you," Jules says, stepping towards the house, "We mainly came back to apologize, to both you and Sallie."

"Well I'm glad. I accept your apology. I'm sure she will as well." Mary says, walking back inside to let them do their thing.


"What's up guys and welcome back to another video. Today we are here with Jules and Liam at the Sallie house!" Colby yells, signalling to the duo.

"Now trust us we know what all of you have been saying but don't worry, we talked it over with these too and everything is okay so you don't need to worry." Sam says, directly talking to the audience.

"Now you guys already know the history of the Sallie house so we don't need to explain anything to you but for those of you who don't know Sallie was a little girl. The ghost here is supposed to be Sallie but many people think that it is a demon that is acting like Sallie."

"Sallie did die a very gruesome death," Jules adds on, looking at Colby for a signal to go on, "The last image Sallie has in her memory is a doctor operating on her to try and save her, but she thought that he was torturing her."

"That's actually really sad."


"Sallie is staring at us through the window." Jules whispers to Liam, who turns to look at the house.

"She seems pissed."

"Well no shit sherlock, two people that she has tried to murder is back at her house."

"She didn't try to murder me."

"Fine. One person that she tried to murder."

"Well, we're in for one hell of a night." Jules says, talking back into her normal volume once Sam and Colby were done explaining the rest of the history.

"No kidding. Wouldn't it be funny if she tries to push you down the stairs? Then we would know who she is really after."

"Don't put any ideas into her head," Jules answers, slapping Liam upside the head, "Also, don't call Sallie a 'it'. We learned that the hard way."

~ End of Chapter ~

A/N - I am so very sorry that I have not updated in a while. I'm not good at schedules so I most likely won't have one anymore. But don't worry!! I won't forget about you. I will keep updating. Just not every Wednesday like I planned. I'm very stressed with school which is why that is. I will still update. Love you all!

Word Count ~ 1100

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