Chapter 20 - Passing Time

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"Was that what the screaming was about?" Liam asks, looking straight ahead.


"I told you to tell them. Both of them. You couldn't keep it from them until you died."

They were now back at the hotel. With everything that just went down they couldn't stay with Sam and Colby anymore. They each said their goodbyes and left.

Jules knew that Liam was right all along. None of this would be happening if Jules just told them everything from the start.

"I think it's time they know. About our past, about us and how we met. After what happened I'm not sure if keeping secrets are a good thing."

"Are you positive?"

"Yeah. I think it's for the best."

"Alright. Let's go. The sooner the better." Liam answers, standing up and packing their bags.


"We need to talk." Kyle stated the minute they walk into the door.

"We know, we're going to tell you everything. Come here." Jules motions for Kyle and Logan to sit down.

Jules starts off with telling Kyle everything they know about the doppelgängers and Emma and everything that Logan already knows. Since it'll be best to get that out of the way first.

"What?" Kyle breathes, "Was I ever going to find out about this?"

"No." Jules and Liam says at the same time. "Logan wasn't even supposed to know." Liam finishes.


"Now for everything else. Yes, I am dying. I was told by the doctors that I have about a year to two years left. At the rate that it's spreading throughout my body, I say I have a few months. The doctors recommend removing boobs because it'll hurt so much worse with them on." Jules says, chuckling a little and lifting their shirt to show their ribs.

Throughout their whole body are vines. Everywhere you look. It's spreading faster which is why Jules said that they may have a few months.

"Are you going to?" Logan asks.

"Yes. I was already thinking about it and now I have a good excuse to do it."

"Huh. Funny." Kyle says, chuckling along with Jules.

"I know."

For a few good minutes they are all laughing. At each other, at what Jules said, at the last few days. Everything. It has all gone to shit and right now, all they can do it laugh. Laugh to the pain and tears and fighting.

"On a serious note. There is more. Way more." Jules says, turning back to being serious.


"It's about the past... what happened to me and how me and Liam actually met. Fair warning. You might not like us after this." Jules answers, pausing so they can take in the information.


"We met way before high school. When we were both in eighth grade. Something... happened and he helped me through it. It wasn't a coincidence that you met me. I was almost sacrificed." Pause... "He was the reason you guys finally switched to my school. Liam told your guys parents what happened and they agreed that I could use another support system." Jules says, directing the last part to Logan which Kyle totally ignores. 


"What?!" Kyle yells, slamming his hands on the table while standing up, "And he didn't try to stop it?!"

"He didn't know until he found me in the woods." Jules answers, walking around to Kyle and putting their hands on his shoulders. "I- I don't just have Emma attached to me.
Kyle, the reason why I wasn't aloud back at the church is because I have a seven foot shadow figure following me around..."


"He's nice, don't worry. But that doesn't mean that it wasn't traumatizing for me. We- I didn't want to tell you all of this because you didn't need to know it. You have been protected long enough by both me and... and our parents. They are horrible fucking people but the protected us from a lot of the bad stuff in this world."

"What did our parents do after they found out about the whole... sacrificing thing?" Kyle asks, looking down at his hands. 

"They were pissed. They were first mad at me because they thought that I let the "demon" in myself but once they found out about the whole, "my friends were trying to sacrifice me" thing they stopped being mad at me and started to try and get the people who did this to me arrested. In the town that we grew up in, before we moved, it was a serious crime to do satanic rituals and it was punishable by life in prison. Although they were very rich and the cops got paid off because of it." 

Hearing that, Kyle pulls Jules into a hug and they stay like that for a few minutes, "Are you mad that I'm just now telling you about this?" Jules asks, breaking the hug. 

"No. I realize how traumatizing that can be for a child. Thank you for not taking this to your grave. Anything else?" 

"The reason I didn't take you with me is because our parents would have called the cops and told them that I kidnapped you. I really wanted to take you with me but our parents made it so hard that we wouldn't have anything. With Logan being 18 we could easily take him with us and his parents couldn't do anything about it." 

"It was very heartbreaking to leave you behind little Bowman but we needed to get out of there sooner so you could stay with us when you're old enough." Liam steps in, going to the Jules's side. 

"Hope you understand?" Logan says, standing by Kyle's side. 

"Of course I understand. Don't worry. I would never leave, this is one of the best things to ever happen to me."

~ End of Chapter ~ 

A/N ~ Sorry that I don't have a schedule yet. I will get one soon because school for me is ending in about two months and I'll have all summer to write so updates would be quicker. Sorry this isn't as long as the last few but I really wanted to get this out and thought it would be a good idea to leave the ending of this one more opened so I could start the next one any way I want to. Hope you all understand. Let me know when you would like updates, cause I was thinking either every Wednesday, every-other Wednesday, every Sunday, or every-other Sunday. Let me know! Love you lots and hope you enjoyed it! 

Word Count ~ 1083

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