Chapter 5 - Aftermath

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TW - Talking of abuse, miss gendering






"Will they be okay doc?" Liam asks, looking over to the sleeping girl.

"Yeah she will be, no need to worry. She will be in a deep sleep for a while because of all the medication, so if she doesn't wake up right away, don't worry."

"Alright, thanks."


"Fuck, what the hell happened at the Sallie house?" Logan asks, looking to his older brother.

"A lot, but it's just a coincidence. We don't know if it was because of Sallie."

"Well that's a pretty odd coincidence. It happened the next day when you were back from that place. And you both said it was pissed at you guys."

"Yeah I know. But it could just be weird timing, We don't know for sure. Come on, just-" Pause, "Just drop it. Please."




After Logan left Liam was left to just their thoughts. Although it is weird being in a hospital for someone else he feels like they need to be here. If not for himself then at least for Jules.

"Don't worry, she seems to be getting better. She should wake up soon and will most likely remember everything that had happened prior to this moment." The nurse said, breaking the silence.

"Thanks." Was all Liam could get out without crying.

"Don't worry kid. Stuff like this happens, it'll be okay."


"Yeah, I know."

The nurse nods and walks out, leaving Liam to sit alone in silence.

"Will they be okay?" Emma asks, looking up at the older man.

"Yeah... they should be. Don't worry Em, Jules will remember you."

"And what if they don't?"

"We'll make them remember you."

Silence. Again. That seems to be a recurring theme. Probably because no one knows what to say in times like these or how to make it better. Liam can't always talk to Emma when people are near. Especially in a hospital. They'll probably think he's going crazy or something. Although, they wouldn't be completely wrong.

What now? Liam thought, looking around the empty room. At least Jules is okay. Logan is at work and Liam will have to leave soon for work. They know Jules. Jules will be pissed to find out that he missed work because of them. So, because of Jules, Liam is going to work.

4:50pm. Liam gets up and says goodbye to Jules, although they probably can't hear him and walk to the front desk, "Call this number if anything changes." Liam says, handing the front desk lady his number praying that she doesn't get mixed signals.

"Of course." The front desk lady answers, never looking up from her computer. Thank god. Liam thought, walking out the hospital doors. Being in a hospital was the worst place for a medium. Seeing all the dead people walk around and everything. Very creepy.

Getting in their car, Liam drives off. After what happened to Jules, Liam has been very couscous. All three knew that riding a motorcycle can be dangerous, especially when you aren't wearing a helmet.

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