Chapter 10 - Goodbye Shelby

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A/N ~ This chapter will be explaining what happened with Logan. Please don't skip, this will be important

Pov ~ Logan

"Alight, bye guys." Logan says, walking out the door. While walking to his motorcycle he pulls out his phone to call Shelby. Shelby. His beautiful, loving girlfriend. He surprisingly convinced her to go on a ghost hunting trip with him.

He never understood why. She never liked any of that stuff. She does believe in ghosts though, through personal experience, but after that she never wanted anything to do with this. He's just glad that she finally agreed to it.

"Hey babe," Liam says, hopping off the motorcycle and handing Shelby a helmet, "Thanks for agreeing."

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm not too scared. I honestly can't wait. Where are we going?"

"Just the forest across from an insane asylum. I knew you would never go into it so I chose the forest instead."

"Thanks for thinking about me babe."


"Here we are." Liam says, turning off then hopping off of his motorcycle. Liam then turns around and helps Shelby off. Putting both helmets inside of the seat.

"Is that the asylum?" Shelby asks, pointing to the building across the street.

"Yeah, it sure is. Don't worry, we're going into this forest right here. Nothing has been heard or spotted here."

"Alright, thanks."

As the couple walks through the forest they get closer to their final destination. Logan starts getting a guy feeling that something is terribly wrong but chooses to ignore it.

"Babe I think we should turn around. I feel like something is wrong." Shelby says, looking side to side with her flashlight.

"We're okay Shelbs. Don't worry, just a few more miles."



"Do you here that? Sound like something is saying my name."

"It's just the wind, don't worry about it"



"Babe stop. I know it's you voice. This isn't a funny prank. You know how scared I get with this shit."

"It's not me. I don't hear anything so whatever you're hearing isn't me."

"BUT IT'S YOUR VOICE!! HOW CAN IT NOT BE YOU?" Shelby yells, pulling away from Logan.

"What do you mean it's my voice? I haven't been talking at all." Logan answers, sounding more worried then before.


"Are you sure it isn't like a doppelgänger?"

"NO, IT'S YOU! YOU ALWAYS DO THIS!" Shelby yells running off into the woods.

"Shelby! SHELBY WAIT!" Logan yells, running after here.



What the fuck? Logan thinks, stopping to catch his breathe then looking around. This thing really does sound like him. But that's not good, if it is this so called doppelgänger then he can't see it.

"SHELBY HUN! PLEASE I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME!" Logan yells through tears in his eyes. He's full on sobbing at this point, trying to keep it together until he finds Shelby.



Fuck. Logan thinks, running more into the woods. He feels like he's been running for hours. He has no clue where he is going. He should have just called Lima and Jules but his parents always said to never call unless it was an emergency and he's doing just fine. He doesn't want to get in trouble for calling since this isn't exactly an emergency. Just Shelby getting scared easily.

"SHELBY! SHEL-by. no... Please no!" Logan yells. Running over to the body that was tied to the tree in front of him, "Babe, no please."

He pulls out his phone and dials 911. Hoping, praying, that they'll get here fast enough. He hopes that the love of his life isn't dead. If she is, then it's all his fault. He should have listened to her. If he did, she would still be alive.

"Logan Henderson?" The cop asks, looking at the young boy in front of him, "I'm sorry for your loss. We have contacted the family and they are on their way so you can leave now. We'll keep you updated if we find out who or what did this to her."

"Yes sir. Thank you." Logan says, walking back to his motorcycle. Thankfully the police lit the way back to the main road. Mainly for the paramedics but he appreciated it either way.

"Logan!" A voice called, "What the fuck happened tonight? My sister is now dead because of you." One of Shelby's brothers said, punching him in the face when he got close enough.

"We warned you that if anything bad happened to her tonight we'll kill you." Another said, kicking him in the stomach. This kept happening for a good half an hour until a cop came and pulled them off of him.

"This man is innocent. He didn't kill her. There was no way he could. We're ruling it out as a stalker. Somebody was following them. Did she ever fear that someone or something was following her?"

"Yeah, her ex used to for a good few months after they broke up. He stopped once we caught and threatened him."

"Alright, name and description?"

"Zachery. Dark brown hair, light skin, blue eyes, 5 foot 9, skinny-ish."

"Alright, we'll be in touch. You boys can go and ride in the ambulance if you want to stay with her."

Present ~ POV ~ 3rd person

"Wow." Jules says, cleaning up Logan's wounds.

"I think that it may have been close to the same way Emma died. She had the exact same markings and everything. Although all we know is that Emma died in a forest somewhere near our old school."

"Logan, I like that you care but you just lost someone you loved dearly. Also, Kyle is coming over for Christmas and is most likely staying with us after"

"Yay, I'm glad. How would your parents react?"

"They won't care. Not since he came out anyway."

"That poor kid, how could they be so mean like that?"

"I don't know. Thankfully since of how innocent he is, they didn't beat him or anything."

"I still think we should-"

"No. Not happening, once we're both out it'll be a lot better. Now they'll get their wish and have no queer kids in the family."

"Are you sure? We have proof and can go to the cops. Get them arrested."

"No. End of discussion." Jules says, putting the cloth on the table and walking out.

"Deep down they know it's the best thing to do but since she was so young when it started it's a trauma response. The child in her still wants to think that they are their fun loving parents."

"Yeah I know. I just wish we could do something."

"For now, the best thing we can do is make sure Kyle gets here."

~ End Of Chapter ~

Word Count ~ 1130

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