Chapter 6 - Rabbit Hole

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Tw - mentions of abuse, demon talk/talk of sacrifices, murder talk

2 weeks later

"You guys are leaving? Why?" Jules asks, finally looking up from their laptop.

"Well Logan needs to work and I am making a video with some people." Liam answers, picking his helmet off the table.

"Fine, but be careful."

"Love you both, bye!" Logan yells, running out to door.

"He's late again, isn't he?" Jules asks, looking up from Liam.

"Yep," Liam chuckles, going towards the door, "Don't worry. We'll be back soon. Love you."

"Love you too."


"Hmm, Emma?" Jules yells, after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah?" Emma answers, sitting in her usual spot at the counter.

"Do you remember where you died or how you died?"

"No. All I truly remember was that it was in a forest."

"How do you know that?"

"I remember seeing a bunch of trees."

"Do you remember what the person(s) or thing looked like?"

"Tall with blond hair. He was wearing all black."

"Hmm. Anything else?"

"It was in Pleasant Hill, Iowa"

"Oh. Is that how you found the school? Is it near there?"

"Yeah. It's close to it anyway. Why?"

"Just wondering. Now that I have time on my hands, I kinda want to figure out what happened to you."

"Would you really do that?"

"Well yeah, I care about you Emma. It's sad to think about what you went through."

"Thank you. No one has ever done anything like that for me."

Little did they both know, this was something that would be there down fall. Jules knew that going back on a centuries old cold murder case wasn't a good idea. Did they care? Nope. Not at all. Like, what could go wrong? Everything. Everything could go wrong.


Emma Miller, a six year old girl that went to Clay Elementary has sadly passed away. This fun loving child made everyone's day brighter. It doesn't matter who you were, if you loved children or hated them, this little ball of energy could make anyone smile.

She died a gruesome death which in the end, the police ruled it as a wild animal that killed her. She was found in the woods this morning by a class who was going out to find some bugs. Investigators have no clue why she was out in the woods by herself, and they may never know.

This is fox news reporting to you live from the scene-

This is CNN 10 reporting to you live here on this tragic afternoon-

This is Channel 8 reporting to you live-

This is Channel 13 reporting to you live here in the studio-

This was 1968, no wonder no one talks about it, Jules thought, going over all of the news reports. Although, it is weird that everyone just forgot about it by 1972.

4 years. You would think that people wouldn't, at least, forget about it until 1980. This was a tragic accident or a well planned murder. No one knew. That's what made the case go cold and why police blamed it on a wild animal accident. It was easier than chasing a killer that might not even exist.

What is that? Jules thought, clicking on one of the images, A circle with a star in the middle. Where have I seen one of those? Looking at the photos more closely they realized something. That was the same symbol that is the same symbol one uses to sacrifice things and/or worship Satin.

But why wasn't this added to the police report? Did the police just skip over it? Or did they know?

Something wasn't adding up. You don't see that and think that it was a wild animal. She got sacrificed. That was easy to tell cause it wasn't the first time that Jules saw something like this. Maybe it was just covered. That was probably in the woods. Everyone thought she was alone but she wasn't, someone was with her.

But the question was who? A little girl can easily just follow anyone. But everyone in the town knew who Emma was. Hell, everyone even in a 5 mile radius outside of the town knew who she was. Meaning that Emma could have easily known who the person was. The thing about Emma's town is weird though, they are very religious. Emma talked about that part a lot. It was one of the main reasons why she was so sheltered from the world.

But why? Why shelter your kid when everyone in town loves her. Things still weren't quite right. There was way more to this story. Maybe Emma knows. Cause yeah, she could have been sacrificed but who is her arm and leg missing? Does that always happen? And who would be psycho enough to sacrifice a living human being, let alone a child?

Jules didn't know the answer to a lot of their questions. But they did have a lot of time to spear with nothing else to do. So they had a ton of time to figure it out. And that was the first mistake made.

~ End of Chapter ~

A/N ~ Sorry if this one seemed rushed as well. I am very stressed so if I don't post next week that is why. But, if I don't post next week then I will make sure to, try, and get a double upload out. Love you all!

Word Count ~ 895

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