Chapter 15 - Missing Pieces

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POV - 3rd Person ~ Before this chapter starts, if I get anything wrong about tarot cards or anything like that correct me please. I did a little research but not a lot. 

"Where are we going?" Kyle asks, looking at the packed suitcases.

"We are going to do some videos with Sam and Colby in LA while Jules does another video with some of our YouTube friends who we met at the Christmas Party." Liam answers, bringing out the last of the suitcases.


"Because. You guys need to leave New York." Jules says, coming out of their bedroom.

"You just want us gone." Logan says, folding his arms.

"If I wanted you gone I would have said so. Also, I wouldn't be going out with other people if I wanted to be by myself."

"Fine, but I'm not going to enjoy it." Logan mutters.

"Don't worry, I will! I can't wait to meet Sam and Colby again. At least this time we won't be under such high pressure." Kyle jumps, getting his shoes on.

"Be careful alright. Call me if anything happens." Liam says, hugging Jules then walking out the door.


Stepping off of the plane, Jules takes in their surroundings. They aren't used to being alone, especially in LA. Pulling up google maps, Jules finds their way to Hollywood. After grabbing a taxi to their hotel, which they made sure was nowhere near Liam's and the others, they found their way to the center of LA.

"Why am I doing this?" Jules asks themselves.

Walking into their hotel room, they get out their laptop and put up the coordinates of the witch they were talking about with Liam. After giving the witch a call to make sure that it was an okay time to go see her, Jules sets off further into LA.


"You must be Jules. My name is Edith, the witch that helped your grandmother. Come in, please." Edith says, opening the door wider so Jules can come in.

"Thank you. You have no clue how much this means to me." Jules answers, shaking her hand.

"And the spirit with you must be Emma."

"How do you know about Emma?"

"Trust, ever since you reached out, a lot of things have come up about you prior to this moment. The spirits here are very happy to have you and Emma come to us for help."

"Oh well I'm glad. Not most spirits like me."

"Yes I am aware. Now, the cure that you are looking for isn't what you think it is. You need to be true to yourself. I'm sure that this isn't what you want to hear considering that you came all the way out here but I can help push you in the right direction. Come, sit." Edith says, patting a chair for Jules to sit in.

"What do you mean?" Jules asks, sitting down.

"That other Logan that you talked to is right. You do have 1-2 years left and there used to be a cure, but it wasn't in the flower. Your ancestors died from this curse because all they cared about was money and power. I can see that exact same thing in you but instead of money and power, you want fame. You always have, even if you don't want to admit it."

"I-I mean yeah... but... is that what's going to end up killing me? Or being the reason that I die? I... I don't only care about fame though, I swear."

"I know you don't. But something is going to happen in a few months and what you choose is going to be either the reason that you die or live. Only you can make that choice, not anyone else. They might not listen to you but you want to keep with the decision that you think is right, not anyone else. That is what's going to help you. That's all I can say, I'm sorry."

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