Chapter 18 - Closer To The Truth

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A/N - With that, things are going to unravel and more secrets will be revealed. I do have some ideas for a second book but that won't be coming anytime soon because I promised myself this will at least have 30+ chapters! I will find a posting schedule soon I swear. Maybe every Sunday?

TW - Mentions of rape, child abuse, and suicide

POV ~ Logan *Still 3rd person though*

What the fuck? Logan thought, looking between the two people that he use to trust with his life, "What did you find?"

"They had a family friend. His name was Tyler and he had many rape accusations to his name from many different women and their families. Emma's parents didn't know this until one of their close family members found out who they were letting their daughter hang around. They confronted him and that's where the story takes a dark turn." Jules pauses.

"Wait it gets even darker?" Logan asks, not believing what he is being told.

"Yeah. He started denying everything saying that all those women were after his money and when the family didn't believe him he ran out the door... with Emma. She was only six at the time and the family kept what he did away from her. She thought that he was trust worthy but two days later Emma was found dead in the woods.

"The family believed that it was Tyler who did it but he argued saying that he would never hurt a child. No one believed him because of his past and he was sentenced to death. Before they could even arrest him he committed suicide in his own home. After that, everything was normal. Until about two months ago.

"Another child, around Emma's age went missing. Then two days later was reported dead in the same woods Emma was. Not the same place, but it was close enough to not be a coincidence." Jules pauses, again, making sure that Logan can understand what they are talking about.

"A copy-cat?" Logan asks. He was surprised about all of the info that they had just given him in not even two minutes but was even more surprised that someone would copy a killer that would do something so horrible to a child.

"Or a demonic sacrifice. People have been known to sacrifice alive human beings to either the gods or evil spirits to try and bring peace, good luck, or to let them know that they believe. The child was also cut almost the exact same way but the thing that makes these two different is that the police found the other girl's missing body parts, but they couldn't find Emma's anywhere near where she was killed. They were all miles away from the murder scene."

"What the hell." Logan couldn't believe it. It was all way too  complex for him to even try to comprehend what was just told to him. He couldn't believe that they had multiple encounters with doppelgängers before, "And why haven't you told me all of this before?"

"Because we didn't need you to get way more paranoid than you already are. This isn't easy, trust us. It took us a long time to figure out what the hell was wrong with this world." Jules sympathized.

"Would I have been better off if I never came with you guys to New York. If you would have left me behind like you had to do to Kyle?" Logan couldn't bear to look them in their eyes. He knew the answer already, but he wanted them to say so that way he could confirm it on his own terms.

"Yes, you would have." Liam sighs, looking over to Jules, "But Jules couldn't leave you like they did with Kyle. You would have hated us for the rest of our lives and trust me, I hate myself right now just having this conversation with you about all of the secrets that were six feet under. If you want to leave or take a break from us, we totally understand."

"No. It's okay. You are right though, I would have hated you... at first. But I would have learned to live with the fact that this world is not all sunshine and rainbows. I'm just lucky that you two were the ones that showed me and that I didn't have to learn the hard way."

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