Chapter 4 - Dylan and Kyle

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TW - talking about death, homophobic slurs

Looking over the merch ideas Jules realized something. It took each friend a long time to realize this but they were actually in it for the long run. They already established last night that it wasn't only for the money anymore but it still felt weird to them.  Like one day they'll just wake up and become famous.

But actually looking and thinking about it. Odd. Something that they never thought would happen. Next they are going to the Sallie house with two other ghost hunters. Logan isn't going along cause he will be out exploring so they made a duo channel for when only two of them filmed together.

"Dylan and Kyle," Jules mutters, looking over their youtube videos, "They seem very immature. Are we sure we want to do this?"

"Yeah, positive. It can really help us grow. See." Liam answers, pointing to their subscriber count.

"I mean, Sam and Colby would be a way safer option but okay."   

"Just trust me. Okay? If things get bad, we'll leave."

What it looks like :)

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What it looks like :)

A/N - so, a lot of these places, I will be looking up what happened and why they are haunted. So if I get anything wrong, correct me so I know. Thank you!


"What's up guys and welcome back to our second video. Now we have really upped the scariness of this video. We are here with Dylan and Kyle at the Sallie house." Jules says, indicating the start of the video, "Now we do have merch so go check it out in the description below."

"Are you two ready for this? You have never seen anything like it." Dylan states, looking over to  Jules and Liam with a smirk.

"Okay, so do you guys know anything about this place?" Jules asks, looking at Dylan and Kyle.




"Of course. Okay so, it is believed that a little girl named Sallie haunts this place, but it is also believed that a demon is disguising itself as a little girl named Sallie. So we don't really know. Some background about this place is that Sallie, at 6 years old, had severe abdominal pain and was taken to the doctor. The doctor thought that she would die right then and there if he didn't get her into surgery right away. The last memory that Sallie had before passing was the doctor operating on her or "torturing her" as she thought.

"Now this ghost is known for paranormal activity. Some things that happen are, video and investigative equipment that stop working, batteries that are full immediately and completely draining, experience moving objects, scratches and/or bruising on their bodies during visit, physical touches and random coldness. So lets see if any of that happens tonight. There is also something in the basement that we will go check out."

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